Martin Phillipps (02 Jul 1963 - )

Male Person - New Zealand

Works (87)


  1. Wet Blanket
  2. Heavenly Pop Hit
  3. Tied Up in Chain
  4. The Oncoming Day
  5. Part Past Part Fiction
  6. Singing in My Sleep
  7. I SOAR
  8. Dead Web
  9. Familiarity Breeds Contempt
  10. Don’t Be—Memory
  11. Effloresce and Deliquesce
  12. sweet times
  13. Submarine Bells
  14. The Male Monster From the Id
  15. Background Affair
  16. Ocean Ocean
  17. Soft Bomb
  18. There Is No Harm in Trying
  19. Strange Case
  20. Soft Bomb II
  21. So Long
  22. Song for Randy Newman Etc.
  23. Sleeping Giants
  24. Double Summer
  25. Sanctuary
  26. Halo Fading
  27. There Is No Point in Trying
  28. Entertainer
  29. Water Wolves
  30. Soft Bomb III
  31. This Is the Way
  32. Never Never Go
  33. Don't Even Know Her Name
  34. Bee Bah Bee Bah Bee Boe
  35. Whole Weird World
  36. Dream by Dream
  37. Push
  38. Rain
  39. Speak for Yourself
  40. Look for the Good in Others and They’ll See the Good in You
  41. Ghosts
  42. Dan Destiny and the Silver Dawn
  43. Night of Chill Blue
  44. 16 Heart-Throbs
  45. Brave Words
  46. Dark Carnival
  47. Creep
  48. Pink Frost
  49. Rolling Moon
  50. Bite
  51. Flame-thrower
  52. Doledrums
  53. I Think I’d Thought I’d Nothing Else to Think About


  1. Heavenly Pop Hit
  2. Tied Up in Chain
  3. The Oncoming Day
  4. Part Past Part Fiction
  5. Singing in My Sleep
  6. I SOAR
  7. Dead Web
  8. Familiarity Breeds Contempt
  9. Don’t Be—Memory
  10. Effloresce and Deliquesce
  11. sweet times
  12. Submarine Bells
  13. The Male Monster From the Id
  14. Background Affair
  15. Ocean Ocean
  16. Soft Bomb
  17. There Is No Harm in Trying
  18. Strange Case
  19. Soft Bomb II
  20. So Long
  21. Song for Randy Newman Etc.
  22. Sleeping Giants
  23. Double Summer
  24. Sanctuary
  25. Halo Fading
  26. There Is No Point in Trying
  27. Entertainer
  28. Water Wolves
  29. Soft Bomb III
  30. Pink Frost
  31. Rolling Moon
  32. Bite
  33. Flame-thrower
  34. I Think I’d Thought I’d Nothing Else to Think About