Peter Gagliardi ( - )

Male Person - Calgary

Works (70)


  1. Into the Abyss
  2. Might of Adhara
  3. The Peacekeeper’s View
  4. Hearts of Venom
  5. Wreckage of Serendipity
  6. Resurfacing Mystery
  7. Melancholy Revelation
  8. A Keeper Among the Ruins
  9. Losing Our Stars
  10. Something Out There
  11. Ruinous
  12. Starset
  13. Forging Through the Black
  14. Wandering Spirits
  15. Incipit Neo Terra
  16. Iapetus
  17. Hyperion
  18. Rhea / Dione
  19. Titan
  20. Sol’s Halo I: Enceladus
  21. Sol’s Halo II: Moonlets
  22. Sol’s Halo III: Rings
  23. Voyage of Faith
  24. Traces
  25. Deep, Distant, Outer Orbit
  26. Distant Floating Fields
  27. Digital Dream Hymn
  28. The Tale of Threeism
  29. Beautiful Azure Sea
  30. Particles of Tranquility
  31. Interstellar Fields
  32. My Solemn Place
  33. Digital Test Signals
  34. Dreaming of the Infinite
  35. Warm Dive
  36. Travelling Star Light
  37. The Distant Final Horizons
  38. Anyone Beautiful
  39. Between the Arms
  40. Planetary Nebula
  41. Blue Hypergiant
  42. Dark Nebula
  43. Supernova Remnant
  44. Neutron Star
  45. Galactic Center
  46. Unfold the Universe I: A Thousand Galaxies
  47. Unfold the Universe II: The Cosmic Cliffs
  48. Unfold the Universe III: Star‐Crossed Lovers
  49. Unfold the Universe IV: Water From Ashes
  50. Unfold the Universe V: Cosmic Quintet
  51. Unfold the Universe VI: Spokes and Rings
  52. Unfold the Universe VII: Swirling Ghosts
  53. Unfold the Universe VIII: Disentangled Web
  54. With the Angels
  55. Aurora With Stars
  56. Light of Wonder
  57. The Passing Months
  58. Guide in the Night
  59. Wax and Wane
  60. Gateway to the Stars
  61. The Space Race I: Sputnik 1
  62. The Space Race II: Luna 2
  63. The Space Race III: Vostok 1
  64. The Space Race IV: Apollo 11
  65. …and Back
  66. Galactic Halo
  67. Stellar Nursery
  68. Open Cluster
  69. Brown Dwarf
  70. A Star’s Life