Nick Currie (11 Feb 1960 - )

Male Person - United Kingdom Momus

Works (107)


  1. Paolo (1987)
  2. Radiant Night (1994)
  3. Mandalay Cow
  5. Ballad of the Barrel Organist
  6. The Gatecrasher
  7. Violets
  8. Islington John
  9. Three Wars
  10. Situation Comedy Blues
  11. Sex for the Disabled
  12. Third Party, Fire and Theft
  13. Hotel Marquis de Sade
  14. The Angels Are Voyeurs
  15. Love on Ice
  16. I Was a Maoist Intellectual
  17. The Homosexual
  18. Bishonen
  19. Ice King
  20. In the Sanatorium
  21. The Charm of Innocence
  22. The Angels are Voyeurs (Reprise)
  23. Righthand Heart
  24. What Will Death Be Like?
  25. Eleven Executioners
  26. Trust Me, I'm a Doctor
  27. Lord of the Dance
  28. Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous
  29. How Do You Find My Sister?
  30. The Hairstyle of the Devil
  31. Don't Stop the Night
  32. Amongst Women Only
  33. The Guitar Lesson
  34. The Cabriolet
  35. Shaftesbury Avenue
  36. Morality Is Vanity
  37. Gilda
  38. Monsters of Love
  39. The Lesson of Sodom
  40. John the Baptist Jones
  41. King Solomon's Song and Mine
  42. Little Lord Obedience
  43. The Day the Circus Came to Town
  44. The Rape of Lucretia
  45. Rules of the Game of Quoits
  46. I Am a Kitten
  47. I Am a Kitten
  48. Vogue Bambini
  49. Giapponese a Roma
  50. Nikon 2
  51. The Poison Boyfriend
  52. The Poisoners
  53. Saved
  54. Someone
  55. Howard Hughes
  56. Three Beasts
  57. Germania
  58. The Girl With No Body
  59. Sinister Themes
  60. Good Morning World
  61. An Inflatable Doll
  62. The Sadness of Things
  63. London 1888
  64. Estridentistas
  65. Lucky Like St. Sebastian
  66. Paper Wraps Rock
  67. Murderers, the Hope of Women
  68. Flame Into Being
  69. Closer to You


  1. Don’t Leave
  2. I Am a Kitten
  3. “Nicky”
  4. See a Friend in Tears


  1. Good Morning World
  2. Vogue Bambini
  3. Giapponese a Roma
  4. Nikon 2
  5. The Poison Boyfriend
  6. The Poisoners
  7. Paolo
  8. Saved
  9. Someone
  10. Howard Hughes
  11. Three Beasts
  12. Germania
  13. The Girl With No Body
  14. Radiant Night
  15. Other Music
  16. A Complete History of Sexual Jealousy (Parts 17-24)
  17. Studying Form
  18. The End Of History
  19. Madame de Sade
  20. Mister Polyglot
  21. Pure Selfishness
  22. Multiple Choice
  23. Daddy My Dear
  24. Nobody


  1. Nobody (1982)
  2. A Complete History of Sexual Jealousy (Parts 17-24)
  3. Studying Form
  4. The End Of History
  5. Madame de Sade
  6. Mister Polyglot
  7. Pure Selfishness
  8. Multiple Choice
  9. Daddy My Dear
  10. Ballad of Linus Torvalds