Andrew Aversa (23 Jun 1987 - )

Male Person - Baltimore video game music

Works (137)


  1. Kindred
  2. Generations
  3. Millenialiens
  4. Lullaby of the Sky


  1. Augment
  2. Level Bounce
  3. Sunshower
  4. Across the Ocean
  5. Firecracker
  6. Antigravity
  7. Coccoon Altitude
  8. Thicket Prism
  9. Obsidian Axiom
  10. Aurora Magnitude
  11. Tidal Glide
  12. Return All Robots!
  13. Globulous
  14. Snow Delta
  15. Oasis Epsilon
  16. Stone Clockwise
  17. Rain Node
  18. Oath of the Matron
  19. Factor 5
  20. Morsecode
  21. Startup Screen
  22. Main Menu
  23. Dreams of Cobalt
  24. Photosynthesis
  25. Cellular
  26. Baroque Virus
  27. Looking Glass
  28. Glacial Reflection
  29. Fusion Master
  30. Heavy Industry
  31. Psychesphere
  32. Star Command
  33. Smash Those Robots
  34. Fantastic Robotique
  35. Credits Acapella
  36. Megalomania Mentoria
  37. Dr. Von Groove
  38. Prelude to Danger
  39. Cryomorph
  40. Deep Freeze
  41. Out of the Refrigerator, Into the Icebox
  42. Jamaican Cyberturtle
  43. Biosludge Groover
  44. Eye of the Intern
  45. Lobby Bossa
  46. Main Theme of Return All Robots!
  47. Buzzsaw
  48. Eos
  49. In the Wake
  50. Will o' the Wisp
  51. Aletheia
  52. You and I
  53. Daughter of the Rain
  54. Dungeonmans
  55. Resolve of Dungeonmans
  56. Cave Cautus Custoditi
  57. Adventure of Legends
  58. Cimmerian Cavern
  59. Proof of Stremf
  60. Ataraxia
  61. Growl Atop the Triger
  62. Imperishable Solitude
  63. Requiescence
  64. Manifest Labyrinth
  65. Unremembered Miscreation
  66. Flash of Tinsteel
  67. Enmired Herpetology
  68. Disquieting Quagmire
  69. The Tower Invincible
  70. Might of the Warlords
  71. The Fortress Indomitable
  72. Tomorrow's Hope
  73. Hyperborean Corridor
  74. Abyssal Wanderer
  75. Calamity of Dread
  76. Heliotropic Leviathan
  77. Adventures of Burlylium
  78. Grand Finale
  79. Stingers
  80. Take Me Away
  81. No Regret
  82. Genesis
  83. Arms Open Wide
  84. Million Years
  85. Neurobazaar
  86. Fabrication
  87. Identity Sequence
  88. Unity
  89. Memory
  90. Colossus
  91. The Expanse
  92. System
  93. Just Hold On
  94. The End
  95. Roboballad
  96. You've Got the Power
  97. Looks Like Trouble
  98. Training Montage
  99. Siren
  100. Diving Bell
  101. Tangledeep
  102. Theme of Tangledeep
  103. Riverstone Reprieve (Town Theme)
  104. Pastoral Excursion (Tutorial Area)
  105. Mirai the Heroine (Dungeon Theme 1)
  106. Down by the Corral (Town Theme 2)
  107. Earthen Labyrinth (Dungeon Theme 2)
  108. What's in That Barrel? (Fun Merchant)
  109. Foreboding (Villain Theme 1)
  110. Bandit Boss Battle (Boss Theme 1)
  111. Victory!
  112. Mysteries of Time (Dungeon Theme 3)
  113. Exploring the Shifting Stones (Dungeon Theme 4)
  114. The Great Sand Villa (Desert Theme)
  115. Eternal Verdant Waltz (Dungeon Theme 5)
  116. Clash With a Mighty Foe (Boss Theme 2)
  117. Lost Relics of the Ancients (Dungeon Theme 6)
  118. The Final Battle
  119. Ending Credits
  120. Defeat (Game Over)
  121. Time to Rest
  122. Commander of Monsters (Training Theme)
  123. Reunion of Hope
  124. Tangledeep Launch Trailer
  125. Tangledeep Early Access Trailer
  126. Two Avatars (Final Areas)
  127. The Path to Mastery (Job Trials)


  1. No Regret
  2. Arms Open Wide
  3. Million Years
  4. Identity Sequence
  5. The Expanse
  6. Take Me Away