Stephen Mason (08 Jul 1975 - )

Male Person - United States Guitar player for Jars of Clay

Works (102)


  1. Disappear
  2. Something Beautiful
  3. Revolution
  4. Fly
  5. I Need You
  6. Silence
  7. Scarlet
  8. Whatever She Wants
  9. The Eleventh Hour
  10. These Ordinary Days
  11. The Edge of Water
  12. Flood
  13. Don't Stop
  14. Frail
  15. Heart
  16. Overjoyed
  17. Goodbye, Goodnight
  18. Unforgetful You
  19. Collide
  20. No One Loves Me Like You
  21. Famous Last Words
  22. Sad Clown
  23. Hand
  24. I'm Alright
  25. Grace
  26. Can't Erase It
  27. River Constantine
  28. Fade to Grey
  29. Crazy Times
  30. Five Candles (You Were There)
  31. Weighed Down
  32. Portrait of an Apology
  33. Truce
  34. Much Afraid
  35. Hymn
  36. Sunny Days
  37. Amazing Grace
  38. Only Alive
  39. Trouble Is
  40. Faith Enough
  41. Show You Love
  42. Lesser Things
  43. I'm in the Way
  44. Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet
  45. Jealous Kind
  46. Sing
  47. My Heavenly
  48. Work
  49. Dead Man (Carry Me)
  50. Even Angels Cry
  51. There Is a River
  52. Good Monsters
  53. Oh My God
  54. Surprise
  55. Take Me Higher
  56. Mirrors & Smoke
  57. Light Gives Heat
  58. Water Under the Bridge
  59. The Long Fall / Weapons


  1. Frail
  2. Fade to Grey
  3. Crazy Times
  4. Five Candles (You Were There)
  5. Weighed Down
  6. Portrait of an Apology
  7. Truce
  8. Much Afraid
  9. Hymn
  10. Sunny Days
  11. Amazing Grace
  12. Only Alive
  13. Trouble Is
  14. Faith Enough
  15. Show You Love
  16. Lesser Things
  17. I'm in the Way
  18. Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet
  19. Jealous Kind
  20. Sing
  21. My Heavenly
  22. Work
  23. Dead Man (Carry Me)
  24. Even Angels Cry
  25. There Is a River
  26. Good Monsters
  27. Oh My God
  28. Surprise
  29. Take Me Higher
  30. Mirrors & Smoke
  31. Light Gives Heat
  32. Water Under the Bridge
  33. Whatever She Wants
  34. The Eleventh Hour
  35. These Ordinary Days
  36. The Edge of Water
  37. Disappear
  38. Something Beautiful
  39. Revolution
  40. Fly
  41. I Need You
  42. Silence
  43. Scarlet