山西利治 ( - )

Male Person - Japan

Works (136)


  1. Tan Tan Ta Ta Ta Tan
  2. 全ては織姫の為に


  1. 同じ雲を見つめて
  2. 血族
  3. あの日の夕暮れ
  4. 踏み出した一歩
  5. 悪魔の誘惑/Temptation of the Devil (Stage Select)
  6. 炎の化身/Avatar of Flame (Boss 1)
  7. 光の精霊/Spirit of Light (Visual Scene 2)
  8. 魔獣の叫び/Roar of the Monster (Boss 2)
  9. 魔性の鼓動/Evil Beat (Boss 3)
  10. 血塗られた湖/Blood-Stained Lake (Stage 4)
  11. 水に凄す物の怪/Specter Living in the Water (Boss 4)
  12. 悪夢のように/Like a Nightmare (Game Over)
  13. 地獄の階段/Ghost Story of Hell (Continue)
  14. 氷河の恐怖/Terror of the Glacier (Stage 5)
  15. 光の指輪/Ring of Light (Visual Scene 3)
  16. 魔の巣/Den of Evil (Stage 6)
  17. 妖しき美/Suspicious Beauty (Boss 6)
  18. 暗黒の旋律/Shudder of Darkness (Stage 7)
  19. 運命/Fate (Boss 7)
  20. 骸羅王復活/King Gaira's Revival (Last Boss)
  21. 悲しき鎮魂歌/Sorrowful Requiem (Ending)
  22. 旅立ち/Setting Out (Staff Roll)
  23. 風のように/Like the Wind (Stage 2)
  24. 血塗られた湖/Blood-Stained Lake -1991 MD Omake Other Ver.-
  25. 呪われた宿命/Cursed Destiny (Visual Scene 1)
  26. 黒竜王参上/Calling on the Dark Dragon King (Boss 5)
  27. 地の果てまでも/Until the End of the Earth (Stage 3)
  28. 凰華
  29. 風薫る朝
  30. Great Sea Power
  31. The Breaker
  32. Sea of Flame
  33. Rancor
  34. Metal Squad
  35. Down Right Attack
  36. Recalcitrance
  37. Fighting Back
  38. The Danger Zone
  39. Shooting Stars
  40. Silvery Light of the Moon
  41. Light of Silence
  42. Love Dream
  43. Stand Up Against Myself
  44. Dead End
  45. Count Down
  46. Because You’re the Number One
  47. Remember of ‹Knight of Legend›
  48. The Stars
  49. Thunder Force IV, Omake 3
  50. Thunder Force IV, Omake 4
  51. Thunder Force IV, Omake 5
  52. Thunder Force IV, Omake 6
  53. Thunder Force IV, Omake 7
  54. Thunder Force IV, Omake 8
  55. Thunder Force IV, Omake 9
  56. Thunder Force IV, Omake 10
  57. Don’t Go Off
  58. What!?
  59. Space Walk
  60. Danger!! Danger!!
  61. The Sky Line
  62. Air Raid
  63. Sand Hell
  64. Where!?
  65. Battle Ship
  66. Neo Weapon
  67. Princess Waltz
  68. 舞踏会
  69. 閑話休題
  70. 疾走無限
  71. Moonlight, Mysterious Shadow ...
  72. Lunatic Prince
  73. Self-Destruction & Self-Control
  74. Voices in the Wind
  75. Sword of Damascus
  76. Gleam of Hope
  77. The Violent Throb
  78. White Horse of Uffington
  79. The Meaning of Grief
  80. Wandering Soul
  81. Mind Gate
  82. Lost Legend
  83. Teardrop Crystal
  84. Fairy Tale Story
  85. Start
  86. Stage1
  87. Boss1
  88. Stage2
  89. Boss2
  90. Stage3A
  91. Stage3B
  92. Ranking
  93. 界律庭園
  94. 剣の姫
  95. 只今お仕事中!
  96. 只今お仕事中! ~Alchemy of Sounds Ver.~
  98. Back to the Fire
  99. Gargoyle
  100. Venus Fire
  101. The Grubby Dark Blue
  102. Truth
  103. Final Take a Chance
  104. Final Point
  105. A War Without the End
  106. Present
  107. Stage Clear
  108. Continue
  109. Venus Fire -1991 MD Omake Other Ver.-
  110. Steel Squad
  111. Take the field
  112. Lost the balance
  113. 冬の花びら
  114. Mystic Meteor 石神
  115. Cosmo-Anfetamine
  116. RAVE 黒き波紋
  117. Casefile 事件簿
  118. RAGE 赤き怒り
  119. Cry なみだ
  120. May be so long... 終幕の予感
  121. Cry Part II
  122. サラサ☆ラディカル OP
  123. Bonus Track 01
  124. Bonus Track 02
  125. Bonus Track 03
  126. Bonus Track 04
  127. Bonus Track 05
  128. Elemental Master
  129. 只今お仕事中!
  130. お陽さまと散歩に行こう!
  131. 笑顔のままで
  132. Thunder Force IV
  133. Game Over
  134. Game Over