Michael Z. Land (1961 - )

Male Person - United States

Works (151)


  1. Part III
  2. Part IV
  3. Part V
  4. Part VI
  5. Fortress Diorama
  6. Ice Diorama
  7. Monkey Island Diorama
  8. Rum Rogers Diorama
  9. Rottingham Stealing the Map
  10. Rottingham Giving You the Map Back
  11. Rottingham Losing
  12. Rottingham Winning a Sword Fight
  13. Scaring Mort
  14. Ship Combat
  15. Arriving at Skull Island
  16. Skull Island
  17. Smugglers
  18. Stan's Crypt (Before Releasing Him)
  19. Stan's Crypt
  20. Sword Fighting (version 1)
  21. Sword Fighting (version 2)
  22. Sword Fighting (version 3)
  23. Sword Fighting Captain Rottingham
  24. Losing Insult Sword Fighting
  25. Winning Insult Sword Fighting
  26. Talking With LeChuck
  27. The Sea Cucumber Deck
  28. Traveling to Blood Island
  29. Path to the Volcano
  30. Sacrificing to the Volcano
  31. The Volcano Erupting
  32. Windmill
  33. Docks Background Ambience
  34. Fettucini Brothers Circus
  35. Guybrush & Elaine Love Theme Intro
  36. Mutinous Boat Crew
  37. Prison Ambience
  38. Monkey Island™ Introduction
  39. Night Background Ambience
  40. The Church
  41. Parts
  42. Stan's Used Ship Emporium
  43. Trapped!
  44. Cannibal Village Drums
  45. Jungle Background Ambience
  46. LeChuck's Theme
  47. Forest Ambience
  48. SCUMM™ Bar
  49. Stan's Theme
  50. The Voodoo-Lady
  51. Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
  52. A Pirate I Was Meant to Be
  53. Banjo Duel Intro
  54. First Visit to the Barber Shop
  55. Barber Shop
  56. Blowing Up the Rubber Tree
  57. Brimstone Beach
  58. Cabaña (After Proving Membership)
  59. Cabaña (Before Proving Membership)
  60. Losing the Caber Toss
  61. Winning the Caber Toss
  62. Cannon Room
  63. Blondebeard's Chicken Restaurant
  64. Cutthroat Bill's Theme
  65. Danjer Cove Beach
  66. Slappy Cromwell Drops the Cannon Balls
  67. Edward Van Helgen's Theme
  68. Gold Statue of Elaine Sailing Away
  69. Field of Honor (After Visiting the Voodoo Lady)
  70. Field of Honor (Background Noise)
  71. Field of Honor (Before Visiting the Voodoo Lady)
  72. Haggis McMutton's Theme
  73. Intro
  74. Slappy Cromwell Juggling
  75. Lice on Comb and Shaving Head
  76. Lice on Comb
  77. Monkeys on the Sea Cucumber
  78. Mr. Fossey's Theme (When in the Bucket)
  79. In the Rowboat Next to the Sea Cucumber
  80. Part I
  81. Part II
  82. Plunder Island Fort
  83. Plunder Island Map (Before Visiting the Voodoo Lady)
  84. Plunder Island Map
  85. Porthole (After Making Wally Cry)
  86. Porthole (Before Making Wally Cry)
  87. Puerto Pollo (Before Visiting the Voodoo Lady)
  88. Puerto Pollo
  89. Quicksand
  90. Rottingham's Theme
  91. In the Row Boat
  92. Selection Screen
  93. Sharks
  94. Cliff With Snake
  95. Inside the Snake's Stomach
  96. Stage (After the Play)
  97. Stage (When the Play Has Started)
  98. Stage
  99. Swamp (After Visiting the Voodoo Lady)
  100. Swamp (Before Visiting the Voodoo Lady)
  101. Swamp (Talking to Murray)
  102. The Sea Cucumber
  103. Walking Across Hot Towels
  104. Treasure Room
  105. Voodoo Lady Theme
  106. Voodoo Lady's House (After Visiting Her)
  107. Voodoo Lady's House (Before Pulling the Rope)
  108. Wally (After Making Him Cry)
  109. Wally (Before Making Him Cry)
  110. Wardrobe 1
  111. Wardrobe 2 (When the Play Has Started)
  112. Wardrobe 3 (When Slappy Cromwell is Juggling)
  113. Beach With Egg
  114. Beach With Wreck
  115. Blood Island Map
  116. Cannibals' Village (alternate version)
  117. Cannibals' Village
  118. Carnival of the Damned (Background Noise)
  119. Carnival of the Damned
  120. Cemetery
  121. Clearing (Elaine)
  122. Falling From the Cliff
  123. Combat Map
  124. Fake Credits (When Guybrush Is in Stan's Tomb)
  125. LeChuck's Theme That Plays After the Credits
  126. Credits
  127. Guybrush & Smugglers Fighting for the Diamond
  128. When Guybrush "Dies"
  129. Exiting the Skycar
  130. Minnie & Charles Reunited
  131. Talking With Griswold Goodsoup
  132. Goodsoup Crypt
  133. Goodsoup Hotel (First Floor)
  134. Goodsoup Hotel (Ground Floor)
  135. Goodsoup Hotel (Outside)
  136. Guybrush Growing
  137. Guest Room
  138. Kenny Selling Cannons
  139. LeChuck Arriving in Rollercoaster (version 1)
  140. LeChuck Arriving in Rollercoaster (version 2)
  141. LeChuck Arriving in Rollercoaster (version 3)
  142. LeChuck Arriving in Rollercoaster (version 4)
  143. Lighthouse
  144. Madam Xima's Theme
  145. MI1 Forest
  146. Mort Theme
  147. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis ( - 1992)
  148. Monkey Island™ Map
  149. Ghost Ship
  150. Kidnapped!
  151. Mêlée Island™ Map