Astral Monolith

Comprised of:

  1. Astral Monolith Group, Began: Nov 2011 in Russia

Releases (1)



  1. Astral Monolith 17 May 2012

Recordings (10)

  1. Lamb Behind the Mask of Madness 5:20 (17 May 2012)
  2. Disposal of the Dead Flesh 4:59 (17 May 2012)
  3. Dweller of Motionless Rivers 3:59 (17 May 2012)
  4. When Silence Becomes a Nurture 3:55 (17 May 2012)
  5. Shotgun to the Mouth Redemption 5:03 (17 May 2012)
  6. Λstral Λequilibrivm 3:20 (17 May 2012)
  7. Black vΩid Nihilvm 3:54 (17 May 2012)
  8. Regressvs Λd Infinitvm 3:40 (17 May 2012)
  9. Jovrney Throvgh the Dvst 5:03 (17 May 2012)
  10. Ritvals ov Monolith 3:33 (17 May 2012)