
Comprised of:

  1. Soulsearch Group, Began: 1991 in , Ended: 2000 in

Releases (6)



  1. Gwynedd - The Ethnic Truth 1997
  2. Abred vs. Annwn 1998

Album - Compilation

  1. Liedersammlung 2006


  1. Nature Falls Asleep 1993
  2. Die Essenz 1994
  3. Iherno 2001

Recordings (39)

  1. The Salvation 5:43 (1993)
  2. Our Lord Shall Awake 3:13 (1993)
  3. Alterius Non Sit Qui Suus Esse Potest 4:21 (1993)
  4. Distress 5:30 (1993)
  5. Untapped Horizons 9:06 (1994)
  6. In Earth 4:50 (1994)
  7. Star Chamber 6:00 (1994)
  8. Fruit Of The Doom 1:49 (1994)
  9. Neumondblut (The Principle of Womenhood) 8:31 (1997)
  10. Feldfeuer (Fires of the Womb) 9:28 (1997)
  11. Ahnenstahl (The Synonym for the Godly Mystery) 7:52 (1997)
  12. Schwarze Erde (The Guilt of Blood) 7:00 (1997)
  13. Ährenschuld (Breathing the Land) 8:22 (1997)
  14. Kundgebung 1:07 (1997)
  15. Rabenhorst (Last Days of a Bloodless Land) 6:58 (1997)
  16. Dazzling Niam 7:00 (Dec 1998)
  17. Owl Aided 2:54 (1998)
  18. Aeds Traces 7:10 (1998)
  19. Golden Torques 4:10 (1998)
  20. Achard Forcha 5:29 (1998)
  21. Seals of Gessa 2:32 (1998)
  22. Cythraw 4:43 (1998)
  23. Archaic Alliance 11:41 (1998)
  24. The Sidh 6:55 (1998)
  25. Heervater (Time Has Born A Wolf) 9:25 (2001)
  26. Narbenvolk (The Noble And The Dead) 9:48 (2001)
  27. Outro 2:15 (2001)
  28. Traumkampf 3:31 (24 Jan 2005)
  29. Der Spielmann (feat. Riharc Smiles) 2:33 (24 Jan 2005)
  30. Narbenvolk 11:59 (Jun 2006)
  31. Heervater 9:25 (2006)
  32. Feldfeuer 9:29 (2006)
  33. Schwarze Erde 7:00 (2006)
  34. Rabenhorst 7:00 (2006)
  35. Aufmarsch 3:57 (2006)
  36. Spielmann 4:05 (2006)
  37. Sturmzeit 4:45 (2006)
  38. Blitz und Donnerkeil 2:30 (2006)
  39. Aus Alten Tagen 2:51 (21 Dec 2007)