Tony Conrad

Comprised of:

  1. Tony Conrad Male Person, Born: 07 Mar 1940 in Concord , Died: 09 Apr 2016 in Cheektowaga

Releases (6)



  1. Slapping Pythagoras 11 Aug 1995
  2. Early Minimalism, Volume One 1996
  3. Four Violins 1996
  4. Fantastic Glissando 2003

Album - Soundtrack

  1. Joan of Arc Oct 2006

Album - Live

  1. Ten Years Alive on the Infinite Plain 19 May 2017

Recordings (22)

  1. Pythagoras, Refusing to Cross the Bean Field at His Back, Is Dispatched by the Democrats 24:44 (11 Aug 1995)
  2. The Heterophony of the Avenging Democrats, Outside, Cheers the Incineration 18:07 (11 Aug 1995)
  3. May ?:?? (1995)
  4. Four Violins 32:32 (1996)
  5. Early Minimalism: April 1965 53:38 (1996)
  6. Early Minimalism: May 1965 56:57 (1996)
  7. Early Minimalism: June 1965, Part 1 28:02 (1996)
  8. Early Minimalism: June 1965, Part 2 32:21 (1996)
  9. Four Violins I ?:?? (1996)
  10. Four Violins II ?:?? (1996)
  11. July 95 17:23 (Jan 1997)
  12. Fantastic Glissando ?:?? (2003)
  13. Process 1 ?:?? (2003)
  14. Process 2 ?:?? (2003)
  15. Process 3 ?:?? (2003)
  16. Untitled Pieces 7:54 (2004)
  17. Process 4 ?:?? (2005)
  18. Indicting Lully 4:03 (06 Jun 2006)
  19. Joan of Arc ?:?? (Oct 2006)
  20. DAGADAG for La Monte 13:26 (2006)
  21. From the Side of Man and Womankind 27:19 (06 May 2016)
  22. Ten Years Alive on the Infinite Plain 44:05 (19 May 2017)