Bob & Tom and Jimmy Pardo

Comprised of:

  1. Bob & Tom Group, Began: in
  2. Jimmy Pardo Person, Born: in

Recordings (18)

  1. Brand New Dad 5:05 (2008)
  2. Jim Jim 4:12 (2008)
  3. It's a Big World 4:13 (2008)
  4. Friends, Sores and Star Trek 4:44 (2008)
  5. 16 Years 4:08 (2008)
  6. The Birthing Suite 4:48 (2008)
  7. New Wax on an Old Car 3:31 (2008)
  8. Laundry and Marriage 6:11 (2008)
  9. Haircuts and Drinking 4:06 (2008)
  10. Gotta Hit It Again 4:37 (2008)
  11. High and Tight 4:18 (2008)
  12. Semi-Famous on Basic Cable 4:38 (2008)
  13. Can't Reach the Button 5:30 (2008)
  14. Pardcast 4:03 (2008)
  15. We Gonna Go With Somebody Else 4:04 (2008)
  16. At the Dealer 3:47 (2008)
  17. I'm Not a Smart Guy 4:15 (2008)
  18. Jury Duty, Balloons and REO Speedwagon 3:04 (2008)