Von Tesla

Comprised of:

  1. Von Tesla Group, Began: in

Releases (2)



  1. Fiendish Folio 07 Nov 2014
  2. The Nine Hells 23 Nov 2014

Recordings (15)

  1. Roar of the Frost Giants 4:39 (07 Nov 2014)
  2. Ascend to Godhood 3:46 (07 Nov 2014)
  3. Dragon Turtle 3:50 (07 Nov 2014)
  4. Pit Trap 5:48 (07 Nov 2014)
  5. Hobgoblins 4:48 (07 Nov 2014)
  6. Wraith 5:01 (07 Nov 2014)
  7. Cania, the 8th Hell 4:29 (23 Nov 2014)
  8. Maladomini, the 7th Hell 6:51 (23 Nov 2014)
  9. Malbolge, the 6th Hell 5:59 (23 Nov 2014)
  10. Stygia, the 5th Hell 4:30 (23 Nov 2014)
  11. Phlegathos, the 4th Hell 5:34 (23 Nov 2014)
  12. Minauros, the 3rd Hell 4:55 (23 Nov 2014)
  13. Dis, the 2nd Hell 3:56 (23 Nov 2014)
  14. Avernous, the 1st Hell 4:55 (23 Nov 2014)
  15. Sensory Leakage 4:29 (Jun 2019)