Our Solar System

Comprised of:

  1. Our Solar System Group, Began: 2012 in Stockholm

Releases (4)



  1. Vårt solsystem 29 Oct 2013
  2. En Månvandring 02 Jun 2015
  3. In Time 25 Mar 2016
  4. Origins 09 May 2018

Recordings (29)

  1. Merkurius 3:27 (29 Oct 2013)
  2. Venus 3:03 (29 Oct 2013)
  3. Jorden 1:41 (29 Oct 2013)
  4. Mars 5:12 (29 Oct 2013)
  5. Asteroidbältet 2:01 (29 Oct 2013)
  6. Jupiter 6:55 (29 Oct 2013)
  7. Saturnus 10:41 (29 Oct 2013)
  8. Uranus 2:38 (29 Oct 2013)
  9. Neptunus 8:04 (29 Oct 2013)
  10. Pluto 3:08 (29 Oct 2013)
  11. Sea of Clarity / Lake of Death / Frontier Sea 2:34 (02 Jun 2015)
  12. Sea of Cold / Sea of Rain 6:25 (02 Jun 2015)
  13. Rainbow Bay / Sea of Nectar / Sea of Fertility / Lake of Spring 5:07 (02 Jun 2015)
  14. Serpent Sea / Sea of Ingenuity 5:56 (02 Jun 2015)
  15. Swamp of Decay / Autumn Lake 4:15 (02 Jun 2015)
  16. Sea of Fluids / Sea of Vapor / Swamp of Diseases 3:05 (02 Jun 2015)
  17. Sea of Clouds / Lake of Dreams / Swamp of Sleep 6:31 (02 Jun 2015)
  18. Sea of Tranquility / Morning Dew Cove 3:08 (02 Jun 2015)
  19. Sea of Perils / Ocean of Storms / The Lathering Sea 7:41 (02 Jun 2015)
  20. Middle Bay 6:35 (02 Jun 2015)
  21. In the Beginning of Time 20:30 (25 Mar 2016)
  22. At the Edge of Time 23:13 (25 Mar 2016)
  23. On the Back of the Cosmic Camel 5:53 (23 Nov 2016)
  24. Vulkanen 20:57 (09 May 2018)
  25. Babalon Rising 5:55 (09 May 2018)
  26. En bit av det tredje klotet 3:42 (09 May 2018)
  27. Naturligt samspel 2:56 (09 May 2018)
  28. Monte Verità 8:21 (09 May 2018)
  29. Monte Verita 8:21 (24 Jul 2018)