Comprised of:
Danish National Concert Choir Choir,
Began: 1932 in
Michael Schønwandt Male Person,
Born: 10 Sep 1953 in Frederiksberg Municipality
Recordings (6)
Sangen til Danmark (Som en rejselysten flåde) (The Song to Denmark: “There’s a fleet of floating islands”), CNW 237
(29 Jan 2016)
Kantate ved Aarhus Landsudstillings åbningshøjtidelighed: Danmark, du kornblonde datter (Denmark, ye corn-golden daughter), CNW 342
(29 Jan 2016)
Kantate ved Aarhus Landsudstillings åbningshøjtidelighed: Skummende lå havet (Forming high, the waters rushed heavily ashore), CNW 360
(29 Jan 2016)
Fædrelandssang (Du danske mand! af al din magt) (Danish Patriot Song: “Sing, Danish man, with all your might”), CNW 288
(29 Jan 2016)
Til snapsen i “Bel Canto” (Endskønt jeg ganske sikkert ved) (To the Schnapps in “Bel Canto”; Although I’m more convinced than not), CNW 360
(29 Jan 2016)
Den danske sang er en ung, blond pige (The Danish song is a fair young maiden), CNW 271
(29 Jan 2016)