Choir of the King’s Consort , Robert King

Comprised of:

  1. Choir of the King’s Consort Choir, Began: 1980 in United Kingdom
  2. Robert King Male Person, Born: 27 Jun 1960 in Wombourne

Releases (1)



  1. A Voice from Heaven: British Choral Masterpieces 14 Oct 2016

Recordings (82)

  1. Ouverture 6:55 (Oct 1996)
  2. Joseph and His Brethren: Part I. Air "Be firm, my soul! nor faint beneath" (Joseph) 5:33 (Oct 1996)
  3. Joseph and His Brethren: Part I. Recitative "Joseph, thy fame has reach'd great Pharaoh's ear" (Phanor) 0:46 (Oct 1996)
  4. Joseph and His Brethren: Part I. Air "Come, divine inspirer, com" (Joseph) 5:05 (Oct 1996)
  5. Joseph and His Brethren: Part I. Recitative "Pardon, that I so long forgot thee, Joseph!" (Phanor) 0:54 (Oct 1996)
  6. Joseph and His Brethren: Part I. Air "Ingratitude's the queen of crimes" (Phanor) 2:14 (Oct 1996)
  7. Joseph and His Brethren: Part I. Recitative "Thus, stranger, I have laid my troubled thoughts" (Pharaoh) 0:40 (Oct 1996)
  8. Joseph and His Brethren: Part I. Chorus "O God of Joseph, gracious shed thy spirit on thy servant's head" 1:45 (Oct 1996)
  9. Joseph and His Brethren: Part I. Accompagnato "Pharaoh, thy dreams are one" (Joseph) 2:25 (Oct 1996)
  10. Joseph and His Brethren: Part I. Recitative "Divine interpreter! What oracle" (Pharaoh) 0:39 (Oct 1996)
  11. Joseph and His Brethren: Part I. Air "O lovely youth, with wisdom crown'd" (Asenath) 4:01 (Oct 1996)
  12. Joseph and His Brethren: Part I. Recitative "Wear, worthy man, this Royal signet wear" (Pharaoh) 0:33 (Oct 1996)
  13. Joseph and His Brethren: Part I. Chorus "Joyful sounds, melodious strain!" 2:57 (Oct 1996)
  14. Joseph and His Brethren: Part I. Recitative "Whence this unwonted ardour in my breast?" (Asenath) 0:23 (Oct 1996)
  15. Joseph and His Brethren: Part I. Air "I feel a spreading flame within my veins" (Asenath) 7:16 (Oct 1996)
  16. Joseph and His Brethren: Part I. Recitative "Fair Asenath" (Joseph) 1:08 (Oct 1996)
  17. Joseph and His Brethren: Part I. Duet "Celestial virgin! Godlike youth!" (Joseph, Asenath) 2:46 (Oct 1996)
  18. Joseph and His Brethren: Part I. Recitative "Now, Potiphera, instant to the temple" (Pharaoh) 0:15 (Oct 1996)
  19. Joseph and His Brethren: Part I. Grand March During the Procession 1:28 (Oct 1996)
  20. Joseph and His Brethren: Part I. Recitative "'Tis done, - the sacred knot is tied" (High Priest) 0:12 (Oct 1996)
  21. Joseph and His Brethren: Part I. Chorus "Immortal pleasures crown this pair" 2:19 (Oct 1996)
  22. Joseph and His Brethren: Part I. Recitative "Glorious and happy is thy lot, O Zaphnath!" (Pharaoh) 0:12 (Oct 1996)
  23. Joseph and His Brethren: Part I. Air "Since the race of time begun" (Pharaoh) 2:25 (Oct 1996)
  24. Joseph and His Brethren: Part I. Chorus "Swift our numbers, swiftly roll" 2:39 (Oct 1996)
  25. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Chorus "Hail, thou youth, by Heaven belov'd!" 4:18 (Oct 1996)
  26. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Recitative "How vast a theme has Egypt for applause!" (Phanor) 1:06 (Oct 1996)
  27. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Air "Our fruits, whilst yet in blossom, die" (Asenath) 4:07 (Oct 1996)
  28. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Recitative "He's Egypt's common parent, gives her bread" (Phanor) 0:17 (Oct 1996)
  29. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Chorus "Blest be the man by pow'r unstain'd" 4:06 (Oct 1996)
  30. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Recitative "Phanor, we mention not his highest glory!" (Asenath) 1:28 (Oct 1996)
  31. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Air "Together, lovely innocents, grow up" (Asenath) 3:05 (Oct 1996)
  32. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Recitative "He then is silent, then again exclaims" (Asenath) 0:37 (Oct 1996)
  33. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Accompagnato "Where are these Brethren... Why this base delay!" (Simeon) 1:56 (Oct 1996)
  34. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Air "Remorse, confusion, horror, fear" (Simeon) 1:56 (Oct 1996)
  35. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Recitative "This Hebrew prisoner" (Phanor) 0:34 (Oct 1996)
  36. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Accompagnato "Ye departed hours, what happier moment have I seen?" (Joseph) 2:03 (Oct 1996)
  37. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Air "The peasant tastes the sweets of life" (Joseph) 7:45 (Oct 1996)
  38. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Recitative "But Simeon comes" (Joseph) 3:42 (Oct 1996)
  39. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Air "Impostor! Ah! my foul offence" (Simeon) 2:56 (Oct 1996)
  40. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Recitative "Whence, Asenath, this grief that hangs upon thee?" (Joseph) 0:44 (Oct 1996)
  41. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Air "The silver stream, that all it's way" (Asenath) 4:52 (Oct 1996)
  42. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Recitative "Tell me, O tell me thy heart's malady" (Asenath) 1:26 (Oct 1996)
  43. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Air "To keep afar from all offence" (Judah) 3:42 (Oct 1996)
  44. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Accompagnato "Once more, O pious Zaphnath, at thy feet" (Reuben) 1:38 (Oct 1996)
  45. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Recitative "This kiss, my gracious Lord" (Benjamin) 1:20 (Oct 1996)
  46. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Air "Thou deign'st to call thy servant 'son'" (Benjamin) 2:23 (Oct 1996)
  47. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Recitative "Sweet innocence! divine simplicity!" (Joseph) 1:22 (Oct 1996)
  48. Joseph and His Brethren: Part II. Chorus "O God, who in thy heav'nly hand" 4:14 (Oct 1996)
  49. Joseph and His Brethren: Part III. Sinfonia 1:28 (Oct 1996)
  50. Joseph and His Brethren: Part III. Recitative "What say'st thou, Phanor?" (Asenath) 0:27 (Oct 1996)
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