Choralschola der Benediktinerabtei Münsterschwarzach
Comprised of:
Choralschola der Benediktinerabtei Münsterschwarzach
Choir, Began: in Schwarzach am Main
Chants for Palm Sunday. The Blessing and Procession of Palms. Antiphona: Hosanna
0:48 (1993)
Chants for Palm Sunday. The Blessing and Procession of Palms. Antiphona: Pueri Hebraeorum
2:56 (1993)
Chants for Palm Sunday. The Blessing and Procession of Palms. Antiphona: Cum Audisset
5:40 (1993)
Chants for Palm Sunday. The Blessing and Procession of Palms. Antiphona: Coeperunt Omnes
1:33 (1993)
Chants for Palm Sunday. The Blessing and Procession of Palms. Antiphona: Occurrunt Turbae
1:19 (1993)
Chants for Palm Sunday. The Blessing and Procession of Palms. Antiphona: Cum Angelis
0:37 (1993)
Chants for Palm Sunday. The Blessing and Procession of Palms. Antiphona: Ante Sex Dies
2:52 (1993)
Chants for Palm Sunday. The Blessing and Procession of Palms. Hymnus: Gloria, Laus Et Honor
6:41 (1993)
Chants for Palm Sunday. The Blessing and Procession of Palms. Responsorium: Ingredienta
3:12 (1993)
Chants for Palm Sunday. Proper of Mass. Introitus: Domine, Ne Longe Facias
4:25 (1993)
Chants for Palm Sunday. Proper of Mass. Graduale: Tenuisti Manum Dexteram
7:48 (1993)
Chants for Palm Sunday. Proper of Mass. Tractus: Deus, Deus Meus
15:36 (1993)
Chants for Palm Sunday. Proper of Mass. Offertorium: Improperium
3:22 (1993)
Chants for Palm Sunday. Proper of Mass. Communio: Pater, Si Non Potest
2:36 (1993)
Kirchweihe (Dedication of a Church): Introitus: Terribilis Est Locus Iste
3:47 (1995)
Kirchweihe (Dedication of a Church): Kyrie XIV
2:05 (1995)
Kirchweihe (Dedication of a Church): Gloria XIV
3:34 (1995)
Kirchweihe (Dedication of a Church): Graduale: Locus Iste A Deo Factus Est
3:22 (1995)
Kirchweihe (Dedication of a Church): Alleluia. Adorabo Ad Templum Sanctum Tuum
2:51 (1995)
Kirchweihe (Dedication of a Church): Offertorium: Domine Deus, In Simplicitate
7:52 (1995)
Kirchweihe (Dedication of a Church): Sanctus XIV
1:46 (1995)
Kirchweihe (Dedication of a Church): Agnus Dei XIV
1:22 (1995)
Kirchweihe (Dedication of a Church): Communio: Domus Mea
4:13 (1995)
Mariae Aufnahme in den Himmel (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary): Introitus: Vultum Tuum Deprecabuntur
4:22 (1995)
Mariae Aufnahme in den Himmel (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary): Graduale: Propter Veritatem
4:04 (1995)
Mariae Aufnahme in den Himmel (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary): Alleluia. Adducentur Regi Virgines
3:49 (1995)
Mariae Aufnahme in den Himmel (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary): Offertorium: Offerentur Regi Virgines
5:30 (1995)
Mariae Aufnahme in den Himmel (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary): Communio: Dilexisti Iustitiam
4:36 (1995)
Antiphona: Hosanna
0:49 (2001)
Introitus: domine, ne longe facias
4:23 (2001)
Graduale: Tenuisti manum dexteram
7:47 (2001)