The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Comprised of:

  1. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Not applicable Other, Began: in

Releases (33)



  1. Young Women Camp Songs Accompaniment 1993
  2. Old Testament Video Songs 1995
  3. Hymns (words & music) 2001
  4. Hymns (Music Only) 16 May 2008
  5. Come Unto Christ (2014 Mutual Theme) 2014
  6. Press Forward (2016 Mutual Album) 01 Jan 2016
  7. Ask (2017 Mutual Album) 01 Dec 2016
  8. Peace in Christ (2018 Mutual Album) 01 Dec 2017
  9. If We Love Him (2019 Mutual Album) 29 Nov 2018
  10. I Will Go and Do (2020 Mutual Album) 17 Nov 2019
  11. A Great Work (2021 Youth Album) 2021
  12. Disciple of Christ 05 Jan 2024

Album - Compilation

  1. Children's Songbook 1993


  1. 2021 Singles 2021

Broadcast - Spokenword

  1. 176th Semiannual General Conference Oct 2006
  2. 177th Annual General Conference 2007
  3. 179th Annual General Conference April 2009 Apr 2009


  1. Hymns 1992
  2. 167th Annual General Conference April 1997 (disc 5) Apr 1997

Other - Audiobook

  1. The Book of Mormon
  2. El Libro de Mórmon

Recordings (1,575)

  1. Nearer, My God to Thee ?:?? (1992)
  2. Guide Me to Thee ?:?? (1992)
  3. Jesus, Lover of My Soul ?:?? (1992)
  4. Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer ?:?? (1992)
  5. Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me ?:?? (1992)
  6. Master, The Tempest Is Raging ?:?? (1992)
  7. God Speed the Right ?:?? (1992)
  8. Lord, Accept Our True Devotion ?:?? (1992)
  9. The Lord My Pasture Will Prepare ?:?? (1992)
  10. Cast They Burden Upon the Lord ?:?? (1992)
  11. Rock of Ages ?:?? (1992)
  12. Savior, Redeemer of My Soul ?:?? (1992)
  13. Our Savior's Love ?:?? (1992)
  14. Come Unto Him ?:?? (1992)
  15. Come, Ye Disconsolate ?:?? (1992)
  16. Come, Follow Me ?:?? (1992)
  17. Come Unto Jesus ?:?? (1992)
  18. Ye Simple Souls Who Stray ?:?? (1992)
  19. Come, We That Love the Lord ?:?? (1992)
  20. Lean on My Ample Arm ?:?? (1992)
  21. I'm a Pilgrim, I'm a Stranger ?:?? (1992)
  22. Though Deepening Trials ?:?? (1992)
  23. Oh, May My Soul Commune With Thee ?:?? (1992)
  24. Be Still, My Soul 125. How Gentle God's Commands ?:?? (1992)
  25. How Long, O Lord Most Holy and True ?:?? (1992)
  26. Does the Journey Seem Long? ?:?? (1992)
  27. When Faith Endures ?:?? (1992)
  28. Where Can I Turn for Peace? ?:?? (1992)
  29. Be Thou Humble ?:?? (1992)
  30. More Holiness Give Me ?:?? (1992)
  31. God Is in His Holy Temple ?:?? (1992)
  32. Father in Heaven ?:?? (1992)
  33. I Believe in Christ ?:?? (1992)
  34. My Redeemer Lives ?:?? (1992)
  35. I Know That My Redeemer Lives ?:?? (1992)
  36. Testimony ?:?? (1992)
  37. Bless Our Fast, We Pray ?:?? (1992)
  38. In Fasting We Approach Thee ?:?? (1992)
  39. Did You Think to Pray ?:?? (1992)
  40. Jesus, The Very Thought of Thee ?:?? (1992)
  41. Sweet Hour of Prayer ?:?? (1992)
  42. Let the Holy Spirit Guide ?:?? (1992)
  43. Secret Prayer ?:?? (1992)
  44. Prayer Is the Soul's Sincere Desire ?:?? (1992)
  45. Gently Raise the Sacred Strain ?:?? (1992)
  46. Sweet Is the Work 148. Sabbath Day ?:?? (1992)
  47. As the Dew from Heaven Distilling ?:?? (1992)
  48. O Thou Kind and Gracious Father ?:?? (1992)
  49. We Meet, Dear Lord ?:?? (1992)
  50. God Be With You Till We Meet Again ?:?? (1992)
All Recording Results >>