Turbogrind Terrorizers

Comprised of:

  1. Turbogrind Terrorizers , Began: in

Recordings (8)

  1. Nazi Punks Fuck Off 1:00 (13 Aug 2011)
  2. ETB: Climbing Outer Wall 1:01 (15 Jul 2012)
  3. ETB: Kill the Guards 1:00 (15 Jul 2012)
  4. ETB: The Dog Attack 1:00 (15 Jul 2012)
  5. ETB: Break Into the Lab 1:01 (15 Jul 2012)
  6. ETB: Arm and Escape 1:01 (15 Jul 2012)
  7. On the Run 3:52 (03 Dec 2012)
  8. Put Down That Golf Club and Go to Work 2:00 (02 Feb 2020)