Klaus Doldinger feat. Giorgio Moroder

Comprised of:

  1. Klaus Doldinger Male Person, Born: 12 May 1936 in Berlin
  2. Giorgio Moroder Male Person, Born: 26 Apr 1940 in Urtijëi

Recordings (14)

  1. Die Sümpfe der Traurigkeit 2:42 (13 Jun 1984)
  2. Atreju’s Flug 2:30 (13 Jun 1984)
  3. Mondenkind 1:22 (13 Jun 1984)
  4. Die kindliche Kaiserin 2:17 (13 Jun 1984)
  5. Mirrorgate / Southern Oracle 3:09 (1984)
  6. Flight to the Ivory Tower 3:05 (1984)
  7. Ivory Tower 3:10 (1984)
  8. Ruined Landscape 3:00 (1984)
  9. Sleepy Dragon 3:56 (1984)
  10. Fantasia 0:53 (1984)
  11. Atreju’s Quest 2:48 (1984)
  12. Bastian's Happy Flight 1:20 (1984)
  13. The Childlike Empress 2:17 (1984)
  14. Spook City 1:38 (1984)