Bar Blue

Comprised of:

  1. Bar Blue , Began: in

Recordings (8)

  1. Funky Bossa (Late Night mix) 3:42 (20 Jan 2017)
  2. Moonshine (Laid Back Sax Mix) 4:42 (20 Jan 2017)
  3. A Night Like This (The Smooth Way MIX) 4:37 (20 Jan 2017)
  4. Come Dream With Me (Smooth Control MIX) 5:03 (20 Jan 2017)
  5. Walk in the Moonlight (Smoother cut) 4:01 (20 Jan 2017)
  6. Bluesette (Jazzomatic cut) 4:37 (14 Apr 2017)
  7. A Turn of Tide (Saxophonic mix) 4:47 (21 Jul 2017)
  8. It’s a Good Life (sax mix) 3:59 (21 Jul 2017)