Negligent Collateral Collapse

Comprised of:

  1. Negligent Collateral Collapse Group, Began: 1995 in , Ended: 2006 in

Releases (4)



  1. Reprocess Segment Database Extender 14 Apr 2002
  2. Paranormal Nanodivision 10 Oct 2003
  3. Sick Atoms 12 Dec 2005

Album - Compilation

  1. 28 Minutes of Silence for All Innocent Victims… And Boneses 2010

Recordings (107)

  1. Buchenwald Genocide ?:?? (1996)
  2. Miss Auschwitz 43 ?:?? (1996)
  3. Barbed Wires Isolation ?:?? (1996)
  4. Made in Fleshland ?:?? (1996)
  5. Unterkapo Slaughter ?:?? (1996)
  6. Gorilla Gorilla Beringei ?:?? (1997)
  7. Ursus Arctos Nelsoni ?:?? (1997)
  8. Monachus Monachus ?:?? (1997)
  9. Balaena Glacialis ?:?? (1997)
  10. Megadyptes Antipodes ?:?? (1997)
  11. Rhinoceros Unicornis ?:?? (1997)
  12. Asterochelys Yniphora ?:?? (1997)
  13. Crocodylus Acutus ?:?? (1997)
  14. Feyman’s Favourite Quote 0:18 (2001)
  15. Quantum Transport in Optical Lattices 0:36 (2001)
  16. Speaking Wi*th Th*e (Illegal) Devil/ce 1:48 (2001)
  17. Unknown Error 3:13 (2001)
  18. Something Is Shitted With My Analbase 2:06 (2001)
  19. The Principles 2:17 (2001)
  20. Superconductivity Research: 'Dry Magnets' 1:21 (2001)
  21. Runtime Error 4:11 (2001)
  22. Kurt the God 1:12 (2001)
  23. Miss Auschwitz '43 0:59 (2001)
  24. Máj 0:06 (2001)
  25. ...My Guide Is Still Inside Me 0:30 (22 Jan 2002)
  26. Energy of Nucleus 3:10 (22 Jan 2002)
  27. Chain Reactions' Domino a.k.a. Termic Firer (Metamorphosis) 4:35 (22 Jan 2002)
  28. Blue-and-White 1:36 (22 Jan 2002)
  29. On the Return Trip Home 0:56 (22 Jan 2002)
  30. Black Hole Monster in a Spin Releases Energy 0:48 (14 Apr 2002)
  31. Billion Suns 0:29 (14 Apr 2002)
  32. One Thing Is Sure 1:06 (14 Apr 2002)
  33. Buzz 1:38 (14 Apr 2002)
  34. The Paul Dirac Medal and Prize /Gorilla Gorilla Beringei/ 1:26 (14 Apr 2002)
  35. A Generalized Lie Derivative and Homothetic or Killing Vectors 1:39 (14 Apr 2002)
  36. Xmm - Newton 1:33 (14 Apr 2002)
  37. Electric Dynamo Effect 0:52 (14 Apr 2002)
  38. Literate Physicist Gets Taste for Fiction 1:46 (14 Apr 2002)
  39. Analysis of Iron Line 1:48 (14 Apr 2002)
  40. The Hunt 0:59 (14 Apr 2002)
  41. Payload Specialists 1:24 (14 Apr 2002)
  42. Not Out 1:27 (14 Apr 2002)
  43. Mcg-6-30-15 0:31 (14 Apr 2002)
  44. New Generation of Neutrino Experiments Begins - the Ursus 1:34 (14 Apr 2002)
  45. Something Is Collapsed in My Analbase 1:49 (14 Apr 2002)
  46. Focused 2:47 (14 Apr 2002)
  47. The Brain Is 'classical' 0:45 (14 Apr 2002)
  48. Two-Dimensional Penrose-Tiled Photonic Quasicrystals: From Diffraction Pattern to Band Structure 1:49 (14 Apr 2002)
  49. Quantum Modelling of the Mind 0:48 (14 Apr 2002)
  50. Spacetimes Admitting Isolated Horizons /Killing Vector Field/ 1:29 (14 Apr 2002)
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