Comprised of:
Gyõr Girls' Choir Choir,
Began: in
Recordings (27)
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume I, No. 1. "Tavasz"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume I, No. 2. "Ne hagyj itt!"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume I, No. 3. "Jószágigézõ"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume II, No. 1. "Levél az otthoniakhoz"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume II, No. 2. "Játék"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume II, No. 3. "Leánynézõ"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume II, No. 4. "Héjja, héjja, karahéjja"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume III, No. 1. "Ne menj el"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume III, No. 2. "Van egy gyûrûm, karika"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume III, No. 3. "Senkim a világon"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume III, No. 4. "Cipósütés"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume IV, No. 1. "Huszárnóta"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume IV, No. 2. "Resteknek nótája"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume IV, No. 3. "Senkim a világon"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume IV, No. 4. "Leánycsúfoló"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume V, No. 1. "Legénycsúfoló"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume V, No. 2. "Mihálynapi köszöntõ"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume V, No. 3. "Leánykérõ"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume VI, No. 1. "Keserves"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume VI, No. 2. "Madárdal"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume VI, No. 3. "Csujogató"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume VII, No. 1. "Bánat"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume VII, No. 2. "Ne láttalak volna"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume VII, No. 3. "Elment a madárka"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume VIII, No. 1. "Párnás táncdal"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume VIII, No. 2. "Kánon"
Twenty-seven choruses in 2 and 3 parts for children's or female chorus & piano (or orchestra), Sz. 103, BB 111: Volume VIII, No. 3. "Isten veled!"