Pro Cantione Antiqua London , Bruno Turner

Comprised of:

  1. Pro Cantione Antiqua London Group, Began: 1968 in London
  2. Bruno Turner Male Person, Born: 17 Feb 1931 in London

Recordings (35)

  1. Missa "L'homme armé super voces musicales": I. Kyrie 4:03 (1977)
  2. Missa "L'homme armé super voces musicales": II. Gloria 6:22 (1977)
  3. Missa "L'homme armé super voces musicales": III. Credo 7:47 (1977)
  4. Missa "L'homme armé super voces musicales": IV. Sanctus 8:18 (1977)
  5. Missa "L'homme armé super voces musicales": V. Agnus Dei 7:28 (1977)
  6. Déploration sur la mort de Ockeghem 5:34 (04 Oct 1994)
  7. Huc me sydereo / Plangent cum à 5 7:31 (04 Oct 1994)
  8. Motets: Beata es, Maria 5:06 (04 Oct 1994)
  9. Motets: Salve crux, arbor vitae 12:24 (04 Oct 1994)
  10. Motets: Gaude virgo 6:32 (04 Oct 1994)
  11. Motets: Salve, regina 4:27 (04 Oct 1994)
  12. Motets: O Maria, mater Christi 9:27 (04 Oct 1994)
  13. Motets: Quis dabit capiti meo aquam? 5:53 (04 Oct 1994)
  14. Motets: Tota pulchra es 7:11 (04 Oct 1994)
  15. Motets: Ave virgo gloriosa 10:02 (04 Oct 1994)
  16. Motets: Quaeramus cum pastoribus 4:23 (04 Oct 1994)
  17. Motets: Crux triumphans 5:33 (04 Oct 1994)
  18. Ave Regina 4:29 (04 Oct 1994)
  19. O pulcherrima mulierum 3:52 (04 Oct 1994)
  20. Pastores loquebantur 4:44 (04 Oct 1994)
  21. O altitudo divitiarum 6:08 (04 Oct 1994)
  22. Canite tuba in Sion 2:05 (04 Oct 1994)
  23. Ave Maria 3:04 (04 Oct 1994)
  24. O suavitas et dulcedo 5:26 (04 Oct 1994)
  25. Musae Jovis (Lament on the death of Josquin) 5:21 (04 Oct 1994)
  26. O mors inevitabilis / Requiem aeternam 3:39 (04 Oct 1994)
  27. "Incipit Oratio Jeremiae Prophetae": Motet 11:02 (04 Oct 1994)
  28. Emendemus in melius 6:00 (04 Oct 1994)
  29. Andreas Christi famulus 6:58 (04 Oct 1994)
  30. Lamentabatur Jacob 10:55 (04 Oct 1994)
  31. Pastores, dicite, quidnam vidistis? 4:15 (04 Oct 1994)
  32. Motets: Veni, Creator Spiritus 6:01 (04 Oct 1994)
  33. Motets: Gloria, laus et honor 6:38 (04 Oct 1994)
  34. Motets: Asperges me 4:03 (04 Oct 1994)
  35. Motets: Agnus Dei 5:05 (04 Oct 1994)