J.J. Farris & James Barton

Comprised of:

  1. J.J. Farris Person, Born: in
  2. James Barton Male Person, Born: in Australia

Recordings (19)

  1. Mirage 3:01 (2002)
  2. Buckle Up 1:05 ()
  3. Just Say No 1:20 ()
  4. Twist It 0:58 ()
  5. Nerd 1:06 ()
  6. Full Velocity (main) 1:11 ()
  7. Full Velocity (background) 1:59 ()
  8. Serenity (main) 1:35 ()
  9. Spanky (main) 1:15 ()
  10. Edge of the World (main) 1:35 ()
  11. In the Rush (main) 1:17 ()
  12. Intercars (main) 1:26 ()
  13. Signs (main) 1:29 ()
  14. Serenity (background) 3:43 ()
  15. Spanky (background) 1:40 ()
  16. Edge of the World (background) 2:02 ()
  17. In the Rush (background) 2:21 ()
  18. Intercars (background) 2:41 ()
  19. Signs (background) 3:10 ()