Rev. Anthony Campbell - Calvin Morris - Hank Davis

Comprised of:

  1. Rev. Anthony Campbell Person, Born: in
  2. Calvin Morris Person, Born: in
  3. Hank Davis Person, Born: 06 Jul 1941 in New York

Releases (1)



  1. God Made the Blues Volume 1 1964

Recordings (12)

  1. Some Gonna Call Him 1:36 (1964)
  2. How Long Have You Been a Negro? 6:09 (1964)
  3. I Want Jesus to Walk With Me 3:06 (1964)
  4. Motherless Children 2:05 (1964)
  5. A Thousand Miles From Home 4:23 (1964)
  6. You Can't Make Me Doubt Him 2:49 (1964)
  7. Takin' Names 3:24 (1964)
  8. Nobody's Fault but Mine 2:04 (1964)
  9. Hit'em Aain, Lord / Lookin' Good / Red Light 2:35 (1964)
  10. Timber - The Mule Song 1:40 (1964)
  11. Don't Look Now 2:33 (1964)
  12. O'Freedom 2:35 (1964)