Roger Liddle

Comprised of:

  1. Roger Liddle Male Person, Born: in

Releases (2)


Album - Compilation

  1. Understand Medicine: Nobel’s Greatest Hits Explained
  2. Understand Science: Nobel’s Greatest Hits Explained

Recordings (14)

  1. The Code Breakers ?:?? ()
  2. Impulse ?:?? ()
  3. See Through ?:?? ()
  4. In the Blood ?:?? ()
  5. Battling the Bugs ?:?? ()
  6. Nobel – The Man ?:?? ()
  7. Wired 9:50 ()
  8. Super Cool 9:51 ()
  9. Quantum Leaps 9:50 ()
  10. Beyond the Atom 9:51 () 9:51
  11. The Good, the Bad 9:33 ()
  12. Cracking the Cosmos 10:15 ()
  13. Loners 10:12 ()
  14. How to Find Out More 0:49 ()