Els Crommen , Marc Legros , Bart Meynckens , Goeyvaerts Consort , Marc Michael De Smet

Comprised of:

  1. Els Crommen Female Person, Born: in Tongeren
  2. Marc Legros Male Person, Born: in
  3. Bart Meynckens Male Person, Born: 1972 in
  4. Goeyvaerts Consort Choir, Began: 1995 in , Ended: 2019 in
  5. Marc Michael De Smet Male Person, Born: 12 Oct 1948 in Gavere

Recordings (3)

  1. The Book of Los: Chapter 1 7:16 (2002)
  2. The Book of Los: Chapter 2 6:05 (2002)
  3. The Book of Los: Chapter 4 7:02 (2002)