[nature sounds]

Comprised of:

  1. [nature sounds] Not applicable Other, Began: in

Releases (382)



  1. せせらぎ 1982
  2. The Sounds of Nature: The Cry of the Loon 1989
  3. Jungle 1989
  4. 小鳥のハーモニー 21 Jun 1990
  5. Ambiances Tropicales 1991
  6. Ocean's Relaxing Surf 1991
  7. Alpine Stream 1993
  8. Bayou — The Natural Sounds of the Wilderness 1993
  9. Frog Chorus — The Natural Sounds of the Wilderness 1993
  10. Jungle Talk — The Natural Sounds of the Wilderness 1993
  11. Morning Songbirds — The Natural Sounds of the Wilderness 1993
  12. Rainforest — The Natural Sounds of the Wilderness 1993
  13. Rainstorm 1994
  14. Majestic Thunderstorm 1994
  15. Nature’s Course: Tropical Paradise 1995
  16. Echoes of Nature: Tropical Lagoon 1995
  17. Beethoven Songbirds 1995
  18. Tropical Rain Forest 1995
  19. The Sound of Nature 1996
  20. Relax With... Thundering Rainstorm 1996
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Album - Compilation

  1. Voices Of Birds In Nature 1973
  2. The Sounds of Nature Sampler 1990
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Album - Field recording

  1. 屋久島/水の時 25 Mar 1992
  2. 八重山諸島/夕暮れ 25 Mar 1992
  3. カリブ:トリニダード・トバゴ/ロビンソン・クルーソーの島 24 Jun 1992
  4. 北海道/白い大地の旅 28 Oct 1992
  5. 岩手・花巻/風の中のイーハトーボ 28 Oct 1992
  6. カナダ・ジョンストン海峡/オルカたちの時間 28 Oct 1992
  7. 日本の音風景 水琴窟 04 Dec 1996
  8. 新・日本の音風景 卯建の町の水琴窟 04 Dec 1996
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Other - Demo

  1. Sounds of Nature Sampler 1990
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  1. Watersounds: Ocean Waves 1993
  2. Sea So Serene 1994
  3. Thunderstorm 1994
  4. Sons de la nature : Orages & éclairs 1997
  5. Music for Relaxation: Tropical Rain Forest 07 Nov 2000
  6. The Blackbird: Sound Portraits of the Blackbird in Song 10 Jan 2014
  7. Fåglar i vår närhet
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Recordings (4,331)

  1. Solo Whale 9:30 (Nov 1970)
  2. Slowed‐Down Solo Whale 1:07 (Nov 1970)
  3. Tower Whales 3:21 (Nov 1970)
  4. Distant Whale 3:55 (Nov 1970)
  5. Three Whale Trip 16:29 (Nov 1970)
  6. Homestead: Goldfinch (Carduelis britannica) / Greenfinch (Chloris chloris) / Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) / Dunnock (Prunella modularis) / Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) / Spotted Flycatcher (Muscipapa striate) ?:?? (1970)
  7. Farmland: Swift (Apus apus) / Rook (Corvus frugilegus) / Collared Dove (Streptopelia decaocto) / House Martin (Delichon urbica) / Quail (Coturnix coturnix) / Common Partridge (Perdix perix) ?:?? (1970)
  8. Open Country: Whinchat (Saxicola torquata) / Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) / Raven (Corvus corax) / Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) / Stonechat (Saxicola torquata) / Nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus) ?:?? (1970)
  9. Thickets and Hedgerows: Common Whitethroat (Sylvia communis) / Lesser Whitethroat (Sylvia curruca) / Red-Backed Shrike (Lanius collurio) / Grasshopper Warbler (Locustella naevia) / Little Owl (Athena Noctua Vidalii) ?:?? (1970)
  10. Copse and Woodland – One: Pied Fly Catcher (Musicapa hypoleuca) / Redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus) / Wood Warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix) / Willow Warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus) / Jay (Garrulus glandarius) ?:?? (1970)
  11. Copse and Woodland – Two: Turtle Dove (Strptopelia turtur) / Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita) / Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) / Siskin (Carduelis spinus) / Coal Tit (Parus ater) ?:?? (1970)
  12. Wetlands: Common Snipe (Gillinago gillinago) / Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) / Water Rail (Rallus aquaticus) / Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava) / Coot (Fulica atra) / Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) / Common Heron (Ardea cinerea) ?:?? (1970)
  13. Rocky Sea Coast: Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) / Guillemot (Uria aalge) / Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) / Gannet (Sula bassana) ?:?? (1970)
  14. Morning In The Woods — Slavka-chernogolovka ?:?? (1973)
  15. Gray Warbler — Nightingale ?:?? (1973)
  16. Songbird / Singer Thrush — Great Tit & Marsh Frog ?:?? (1973)
  17. Black Woodpecker — Quail / Field Lark ?:?? (1973)
  18. Gray Crane — Great Snipe Tok & Red-bellied Toad Choir ?:?? (1973)
  19. Hoopoe — Garden Warbler ?:?? (1973)
  20. Spotted Thrush — Whistling Nightingale ?:?? (1973)
  21. Red-necked — Nightingale Singing Cricket ?:?? (1973)
  22. Gray Thrush — Frogs ?:?? (1973)
  23. Forest Stone Thrush — Noble Deer ?:?? (1973)
  24. Sounds From the Earth: Music of the Spheres ?:?? (1977)
  25. Sounds from the Earth: Wind, Rain, Surf ?:?? (1977)
  26. Sounds from the Earth: Chimpanzee ?:?? (1977)
  27. Sounds from the Earth: Fire, Speech ?:?? (1977)
  28. Sounds from the Earth: Herding Sheep, Blacksmith, Sawing ?:?? (1977)
  29. Sounds from the Earth: Horse And Cart ?:?? (1977)
  30. Sounds from the Earth: F-111 Flyby, Saturn 5 Lift-off ?:?? (1977)
  31. Sounds from the Earth: Volcanoes, Earthquake, Thunder ?:?? (1977)
  32. Sounds from the Earth: Crickets, Frogs ?:?? (1977)
  33. Sounds from the Earth: Wild Dog ?:?? (1977)
  34. Sounds from the Earth: The First Tools ?:?? (1977)
  35. Sounds from the Earth: Tractor, Riveter ?:?? (1977)
  36. Sounds from the Earth: Train ?:?? (1977)
  37. Sounds from the Earth: Kiss, Mother And Child ?:?? (1977)
  38. Sounds from the Earth: Mud Pots ?:?? (1977)
  39. Sounds from the Earth: Birds, Hyena, Elephant ?:?? (1977)
  40. Sounds from the Earth: Footsteps, Heartbeat, Laughter ?:?? (1977)
  41. Sounds from the Earth: Tame Dog ?:?? (1977)
  42. Sounds from the Earth: Morse Code, Ships ?:?? (1977)
  43. Sounds from the Earth: Tractor, Bus, Auto ?:?? (1977)
  44. Sounds from the Earth: Life Signs, Pulsar ?:?? (1977)
  45. Continuous Performance no. 3 4/4/1978 26:51 (1978)
  46. Chorus From a Distant Lake 4:02 (1980)
  47. Tremolo Duet 2:14 (1980)
  48. Wail Duet 1:37 (1980)
  49. Border Confrontation 1:58 (1980)
  50. Wails With Morning Songbird Chorus 3:20 (1980)
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