Canote Brothers with Maxine Gerber

Comprised of:

  1. Canote Brothers Group, Began: in
  2. Maxine Gerber , Began: in

Recordings (11)

  1. Great Big Taters 3:20 (2009)
  2. Cripple Creek 3:29 (2009)
  3. The Old Muse & Her Pups 1:58 (2009)
  4. And the Cat Came Back 4:31 (2009)
  5. Dogs In the Dishes 4:14 (2009)
  6. Lost Girl 3:12 (2009)
  7. Corn In the Crib 3:18 (2009)
  8. Obama's March to the White House 5:04 (2009)
  9. Old Time Billy In the Low Ground 4:10 (2009)
  10. Jenny Nettles 3:06 (2009)
  11. Snowbird In the Ashbank 4:05 (2009)