Alex Kerns

Comprised of:

  1. Alex Kerns Male Person, Born: in

Releases (1)


Album - Demo

  1. The Future Ain't What It Used To Be 2009

Recordings (9)

  1. Demented 2:58 (2009)
  2. Scar 2:30 (2009)
  3. Adventure Rocketship 2:49 (2009)
  4. Girl That I Want To Meet 2:04 (2009)
  5. Girl Dreams 1:47 (2009)
  6. Really Nothing 1:29 (2009)
  7. Each-Others Company 0:57 (2009)
  8. Clamor On 3:16 (2009)
  9. I Know I'm Not Wrong 2:58 (2009)