Chris Duffy

Comprised of:

  1. Chris Duffy Male Person, Born: in

Releases (1)



  1. All the Time in the World 1992

Recordings (10)

  1. All the Time in the World 4:18 (1992)
  2. Dark Side of My Heart 5:07 (1992)
  3. Be My Pearl 4:35 (1992)
  4. If You Loved Yourself More 4:26 (1992)
  5. So Close 4:29 (1992)
  6. L.O.V.E.R. 3:37 (1992)
  7. Deja Vu 4:53 (1992)
  8. R.U. Receiving Me 4:02 (1992)
  9. Healing Me 3:30 (1992)
  10. Last Temptation 5:24 (1992)