Georg Friedrich Händel - BourvéWinterWeyKobowWolffFlaigVokalensemble RastattLes FavoritesHolger Speck

Comprised of:

  1. Georg Friedrich Händel Male Person, Born: 23 Feb 1685 in Halle (Saale) , Died: 14 Apr 1759 in London
  2. Bourvé Female Person, Born: in
  3. Winter , Began: in
  4. Wey Male Person, Born: 15 Sep 1985 in Bern
  5. Kobow Male Person, Born: 1966 in Berlin
  6. Wolff Male Person, Born: 12 Oct 1978 in
  7. Flaig Male Person, Born: 1971 in Horb am Neckar
  8. Vokalensemble Rastatt Choir, Began: 1988 in Ötigheim
  9. Les Favorites Orchestra, Began: in
  10. Holger Speck Male Person, Born: in

Releases (1)

Recordings (39)

  1. Symphony 2:45 (2008)
  2. Chorus: The Soons Of Israel Do Mourn 9:23 (2008)
  3. Quartet: When The Ear Heard Him 3:03 (2008)
  4. How Is The Mighty Fall'n! 6:44 (2008)
  5. The Righteous Shall Be Had 3:30 (2008)
  6. Their Bodies Are Buried In Peace 4:28 (2008)
  7. The People Will Tell Of Their Wisdom 1:49 (2008)
  8. They Shall Receive 3:26 (2008)
  9. The Merciful Goodness Of The Lord1] 3:55 (2008)
  10. Recit. (Tenore): Now There Arose A New King 0:24 (2008)
  11. Solo And Chorus: And The Children Of Israel 3:33 (2008)
  12. Recit. (Tenore): Then Sent He Moses 0:39 (2008)
  13. Chorus: They Loathed To Drink Of The River 2:25 (2008)
  14. Air (Alto): Their Land Brought Forth Frogs 2:19 (2008)
  15. Chorus: He Spake The Word 2:16 (2008)
  16. Chorus: He Gave Them Hailstones For Rain 2:16 (2008)
  17. Chorus: He Sent A Thick Darkness 2:52 (2008)
  18. Chorus: He Smote All The First-Born Of Egypt 2:27 (2008)
  19. Chorus: But As For His People 4:04 (2008)
  20. Chorus: Egypt Was Glad When They Departed 2:37 (2008)
  21. Chorus: He Rebuked The Red Sea 2:41 (2008)
  22. Chorus: And Israel Saw The Great Work 2:44 (2008)
  23. Chorus: Moses And The Children Of Israel 3:30 (2008)
  24. Duet, Soprano 1 & 2: The Lord Is My Strenght 3:34 (2008)
  25. Chorus: He Is My God 3:04 (2008)
  26. Duet, Basses 1 & 2: The Lord Is A Man Of War 5:38 (2008)
  27. Chorus: The Depths Have Covered Them 2:08 (2008)
  28. Chorus: Thy Right Hand, O Lord 3:34 (2008)
  29. Chorus: And With The Blast Of The Nostrils 2:53 (2008)
  30. Air, Tenor: The Enemy Said, I Will Persue 2:17 (2008)
  31. Air, Soprano 1: Thou Didst Blow With The Wind 2:17 (2008)
  32. Chorus: Who Is Like Unto Thee, O Lord 1:58 (2008)
  33. Duet, Alto, Tenor: Thou In Thy Mercy Hast, Led Forth Thy People 4:12 (2008)
  34. Chorus: The People Shall Hea 5:10 (2008)
  35. Air, Alto: Thou Shalt Bring Them In 3:24 (2008)
  36. Chorus: The Lord Shall Reign For Ever And Ever 0:40 (2008)
  37. Recitative, Tenor: For The Horse Of Pharaoh Went In 0:26 (2008)
  38. Recitative, Tenor: And Miriam The Prophetess 0:24 (2008)
  39. Solo, Soprano 1 And Chrus: Sing Ye To The Lord 3:19 (2008)