Dr. Newell B. Weight , Phyllis Curtin , Louise Parker , Jan Peerce , Roy Samuelsen , Malcolm Smith , University of Utah Symphonic Chorus , Kenny Whitelock , Dr. Alexander Schreiner , Utah Symphony , Maurice Abravanel

Comprised of:

  1. Dr. Newell B. Weight Person, Born: in
  2. Phyllis Curtin Female Person, Born: 03 Dec 1921 in Clarksburg , Died: 04 Jun 2016 in Great Barrington
  3. Louise Parker Female Person, Born: 23 Jul 1926 in Philadelphia , Died: 15 Sep 1986 in
  4. Jan Peerce Male Person, Born: 03 Jun 1904 in Lower East Side , Died: 15 Dec 1984 in New Rochelle
  5. Roy Samuelsen Male Person, Born: 12 Jun 1933 in Moss , Died: 07 Sep 2017 in Wyoming
  6. Malcolm Smith Male Person, Born: in
  7. University of Utah Symphonic Chorus Choir, Began: in
  8. Kenny Whitelock Male Person, Born: in
  9. Dr. Alexander Schreiner Male Person, Born: 31 Jul 1901 in Nürnberg , Died: 15 Sep 1987 in
  10. Utah Symphony Orchestra, Began: 1940 in
  11. Maurice Abravanel Male Person, Born: 06 Jan 1903 in Thessaloniki , Died: 22 Sep 1993 in Salt Lake City

Recordings (43)

  1. Samson, HWV 57: 1. Act 1 Sinfonia 7:25 (2006)
  2. Samson, HWV 57: 2. Act 1 "This day, a solemn feast to Dagon held" [Samson] 2:22 (2006)
  3. Samson, HWV 57: 3. Act 1 "Ye men of Gaza, hither bring the merry pipe and pleasing string" [Dalila] 3:39 (2006)
  4. Samson, HWV 57: 4. Act 1 "Awake the trumpet's lofty sound" [Chorus] 0:29 (2006)
  5. Samson, HWV 57: 5. Act 1 "Loud as the thunder's awful voice" [Philistine] 3:30 (2006)
  6. Samson, HWV 57: 6. Act 1 "Why by an angel was my birth foretold" [Samson] 5:54 (2006)
  7. Samson, HWV 57: 7. Act 1 "Oh change beyond report, thought or belief!" [Micah] 2:09 (2006)
  8. Samson, HWV 57: 8. Act 1 "Total eclipse! no sun, no moon, all dark amidst the blaze of noon!" [Samson] 3:42 (2006)
  9. Samson, HWV 57: 9. Act 1 "Oh first created beam!" [Chorus] 3:24 (2006)
  10. Samson, HWV 57: 10. Act 1 "Brethren and men of Dan, say, where is my son" [Manoah, Micah] 1:19 (2006)
  11. Samson, HWV 57: 11. Act 1 "Thy glorious deeds inspir'd my tongue" [Manoah] 4:25 (2006)
  12. Samson, HWV 57: 12. Act 1 "Justly these evils have befall'n thy son" [Samson] 6:14 (2006)
  13. Samson, HWV 57: 13. Act 1 "There lies our hope!" [Micah] 2:38 (2006)
  14. Samson, HWV 57: 14. Act 1 "For thee, my dearest son" [Manoah] 1:39 (2006)
  15. Samson, HWV 57: 15. Act 1 "Then round about the starry throne" [Chorus] 2:40 (2006)
  16. Samson, HWV 57: 16. Act 2 "My evils hopeless are!" [Samson] 4:56 (2006)
  17. Samson, HWV 57: 17. Act 2 "To dust his glory they would tread" [Chorus] 3:37 (2006)
  18. Samson, HWV 57: 18. Act 2 "But who is this?" [Micah] 2:13 (2006)
  19. Samson, HWV 57: 19. Act 2 "With plaintive notes and am'rous moan" [Dalila, Samson] 6:50 (2006)
  20. Samson, HWV 57: 20. Act 2 "Did Love constrain thee?" [Samson] 1:11 (2006)
  21. Samson, HWV 57: 21. Act 2 "My - Her faith and truth, oh Samson, prove Dalila" [Dalila, Virgin] 6:35 (2006)
  22. Samson, HWV 57: 22. Act 2 "To fleeting pleasures make your court" [Dalila] 2:32 (2006)
  23. Samson, HWV 57: 23. Act 2 "Ne'er think of that! I know thy warbling charms" [Samson] 3:16 (2006)
  24. Samson, HWV 57: 24. Act 2 "Favour'd of heaven is he, who finds one true" [Samson] 3:06 (2006)
  25. Samson, HWV 57: 25. Act 2 "No words of peace, no voice enchanting fear" [Micah] 1:47 (2006)
  26. Samson, HWV 57: 26. Act 2 "Honour and arms scorn such a foe" [Harapha] 4:33 (2006)
  27. Samson, HWV 57: 27. Act 2 "Cam'st thou for this, vain boaster?" [Samson, Harapha] 3:05 (2006)
  28. Samson, HWV 57: 28. Act 2 "Here lies the proof" [Micah] 3:43 (2006)
  29. Samson, HWV 57: 29. Act 2 "Dagon, arise! attend thy sacred feast!" [Harapha] 2:19 (2006)
  30. Samson, HWV 57: 30. Act 2 "Fix'd in his everlasting seat" [Chorus] 3:48 (2006)
  31. Samson, HWV 57: 31. Act 3 "More trouble is behind" [Micah] 4:13 (2006)
  32. Samson, HWV 57: 32. Act 3 "Reflect then, Samson, matters now are strain'd" [Micah] 2:56 (2006)
  33. Samson, HWV 57: 33. Act 3 "Be of good courage" [Samson, Micah, Harapha] 6:15 (2006)
  34. Samson, HWV 57: 34. Act 3 "With might endued, above the sons of men" [Micah] 3:04 (2006)
  35. Samson, HWV 57: 35. Act 3 "Old Manoah, with youthful steps, makes haste to find his son" [Micah] 5:17 (2006)
  36. Samson, HWV 57: 36. Act 3 "What noise of joy was that?" [Manoah, Micah] 3:51 (2006)
  37. Samson, HWV 57: 37. Act 3 "Your hopes of his deliv'ry seem not vain" [Micah] 1:59 (2006)
  38. Samson, HWV 57: 38. Act 3 "Noise call you this? an universal groan" [Micah] 2:06 (2006)
  39. Samson, HWV 57: 39. Act 3 "Ye sons of Israel, now lament" [Micah] 3:52 (2006)
  40. Samson, HWV 57: 40. Act 3 Dead March 2:15 (2006)
  41. Samson, HWV 57: 41. Act 3 "The body comes" [Micah, Manoah] 6:39 (2006)
  42. Samson, HWV 57: 42. Act 3 "Come, come! no time for lamentation" [Manoah] 3:36 (2006)
  43. Samson, HWV 57: 43. Act 3 "Let their celestial concerts all unite" [Chorus] 2:44 (2006)