Linda McKechnie

Comprised of:

  1. Linda McKechnie Person, Born: in

Releases (7)



  1. Christmas Carols and Classics 1993
  2. Symphony of Praise 1995
  3. Hymnworks II 2002
  4. Worship in the Key of Life: An Inspiring Tapestry 2004
  5. A flavour for every taste: worship collage 2005


  1. Symphony of Praise 2

Recordings (81)

  1. Deck the Halls 2:19 (1993)
  2. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen / Good Christian Men Rejoice 3:45 (1993)
  3. O Come All Ye Faithful 3:11 (1993)
  4. Go Tell It on the Mountain 3:56 (1993)
  5. O Holy Night 4:42 (1993)
  6. Joy to the World 2:02 (1993)
  7. We Three Kings 2:47 (1993)
  8. Messiah Medley No. 1 5:11 (1993)
  9. Messiah Medley No. 2 5:48 (1993)
  10. O Little Town of Bethlehem 4:11 (1993)
  11. Majesty 5:20 (1995)
  12. Great Is the Lord 4:17 (1995)
  13. As the Deer 5:30 (1995)
  14. This Is the Day 3:20 (1995)
  15. How Majestic Is Your Name 2:37 (1995)
  16. I Will Enter His Gates 2:53 (1995)
  17. I Love You Lord 3:57 (1995)
  18. All Hail the Power 4:03 (1995)
  19. Seek Ye First 3:57 (1995)
  20. Glorify Thy Name 4:33 (1995)
  21. Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah 2:16 (2001)
  22. When I Survey The Wondrous Cross 3:49 (2001)
  23. Jesus, Lover Of My Soul 4:30 (2001)
  24. 'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus 4:51 (2001)
  25. Abide With Me 2:43 (2001)
  26. Praise To The Lord, The Almighty 2:10 (2001)
  27. Be Thou My Vision 4:05 (2001)
  28. Fairest Lord Jesus 3:21 (2001)
  29. Jesus Paid It All 4:52 (2001)
  30. Jesus, What A Friend For Sinners 3:54 (2001)
  31. To God Be The Glory 3:59 (2002)
  32. How Great Thou Art 3:30 (2002)
  33. My Jesus I Love Thee 4:30 (2002)
  34. O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus 4:14 (2002)
  35. Holy, Holy, Holy 4:19 (2002)
  36. Leaning On The Everlasting Arms 2:15 (2002)
  37. Be Still My Soul 5:36 (2002)
  38. O Love That Will Not Let Me Go 4:07 (2002)
  39. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee 3:20 (2002)
  40. My Faith Looks Up To Thee 4:51 (2002)
  41. Bless His Holy Name (with Adagio) 4:00 (2004)
  42. The Deep Deep Love of Jesus (with Moonlight Sonata) 4:12 (2004)
  43. I Love You Lord (with O' Lord Most Holy) 3:55 (2004)
  44. Fairest Lord Jesus (with Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring by Bach) 3:20 (2004)
  45. Love That Will Not Let Me Go (with Piano Concerto #21) 4:05 (2004)
  46. Abide With Me (with Two Part Invention #14 in B Flat by Bach) 2:41 (2004)
  47. Seek Ye First (with Canon in D) 3:55 (2004)
  48. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms (with Sonata in C) 2:13 (2004)
  49. Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus (with Claire de Lune) 4:49 (2004)
  50. Glorify Thy Name (with Etude) 4:33 (2004)
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