Solanaceae Tau

Comprised of:

  1. Solanaceae Tau Group, Began: 1986 in Frankfurt am Main

Releases (16)



  1. No Cherubim Wave 1986
  2. Architektura Psychedelia Jun 1988
  3. Teutonic Dances and Pagan Rituals 1988
  4. A Chemical in Débris 1989
  5. Cybernetic Suborder 1989
  6. Transgerman Mind Configuration 1990
  7. Totentanz Im Garten Der Lüste 1992
  8. Club Des Haschischins 1995
  9. Crowley Bakunists and Forbidden Places Without Access Aug 1998
  10. Anarcho TV 1998
  11. Epical Obscura Jul 2000
  12. Voices of the Ground Behind Nov 2002
  13. Novus Ordo Seclorum 03 Sep 2007
  14. Outdoor Expressions 26 Feb 2013
  15. Voice of Theatre

Album - Compilation

  1. Destruction Is Not Negative You Must Destroy to Built 1991

Recordings (233)

  1. Sexochaotika 1:25 (1986)
  2. Atavista Future 2:45 (1986)
  3. The Reincarnation of Masculine Witchcraft 2:49 (1986)
  4. Terminal Vivisektion 4:44 (1986)
  5. The Visitors Dance 5:08 (1986)
  6. Molecular Transfear 5:16 (1986)
  7. Germanik Medial Terror 0:42 (1986)
  8. Tales of Velvet Suizid 2:25 (1986)
  9. Saxochaotika 1:25 (1986)
  10. Angel of Light 3:07 (1986)
  11. Mass Digital 3:38 (1986)
  12. Utopical Socialist 2:33 (1986)
  13. No Cherubim Wave 5:57 (1986)
  14. [untitled] 1:29 (1986)
  15. Toxid Broadcast 3:04 (1986)
  16. The Perdition 1:55 (1986)
  17. [untitled] / Molecular Transfear 5:45 (1986)
  18. Jääärne ?:?? (May 1987)
  19. Anticipation Off ?:?? (23 Jun 1988)
  20. Machination Engine ?:?? (Jun 1988)
  21. Eunuchen-Palaver ?:?? (Jun 1988)
  22. The Riak ?:?? (Jun 1988)
  23. Dept. Of Gloom ?:?? (Jun 1988)
  24. Abyss ?:?? (Jun 1988)
  25. The Mannon Muzak ?:?? (Jun 1988)
  26. Psycho Teutonica ?:?? (Jun 1988)
  27. Flanging ?:?? (Jun 1988)
  28. Industrial Introduction ?:?? (Jun 1988)
  29. Animal Touch ?:?? (Jun 1988)
  30. Christ Encore - Exit ?:?? (Jun 1988)
  31. Gates of Well ?:?? (Jun 1988)
  32. Architektura Psychedelia ?:?? (Jun 1988)
  33. The Spiral Staircase ?:?? (Jun 1988)
  34. Dialektik des Eulengesangs ?:?? (Jun 1988)
  35. T. T. Interstellar Dervishes ?:?? (Jun 1988)
  36. Tenton ?:?? (04 Dec 1988)
  37. Europe’s Funeral Party ?:?? (1988)
  38. Veitstanz Amplitude ?:?? (1988)
  39. Anticipation of Art 2:26 (1988)
  40. Klonentanz 2:04 (1988)
  41. P.C.M. 2:17 (1988)
  42. Terminal Two 1:57 (1988)
  43. Teuton 4:55 (1988)
  44. Töxid Placebö 2:25 (1988)
  45. Kraut Mental Ataxie 2:54 (1988)
  46. Jãããrne 2:08 (1988)
  47. Paralysed Heart of Dawn 7:58 (1988)
  48. Pagan Exequies 3:50 (1988)
  49. Kopernikus 23 2:38 (1988)
  50. The Megamachine Part 1-4 11:24 (1988)
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