The Lay Clerks of Canterbury Cathedral Choir
David Flood
Comprised of:
The Lay Clerks of Canterbury Cathedral Choir
Choir, Began: in
David Flood
Male Person, Born: in
Gregorian Chant
Mass for the Feast of St Thomas of Canterbury: Introit: Gaudeamus omnes
3:44 (1997)
Mass for the Feast of St Thomas of Canterbury: Kyrie: Fons bonitatis
3:44 (1997)
Mass for the Feast of St Thomas of Canterbury: Gloria: Gloria in excelsis
3:48 (1997)
Mass for the Feast of St Thomas of Canterbury: Gradual: Posuisti Domine
3:00 (1997)
Mass for the Feast of St Thomas of Canterbury: Alleluia: Gloriae et honore
2:18 (1997)
Mass for the Feast of St Thomas of Canterbury: Sequence: Solemne canticum
3:48 (1997)
Mass for the Feast of St Thomas of Canterbury: Credo: Credo in unum deum
4:54 (1997)
Mass for the Feast of St Thomas of Canterbury: Offertory: Posuisti Domine
1:57 (1997)
Mass for the Feast of St Thomas of Canterbury: Sanctus: Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus
1:37 (1997)
Mass for the Feast of St Thomas of Canterbury: Agnus: Agnus dei
1:14 (1997)
Mass for the Feast of St Thomas of Canterbury: Communion: Magna est gloria
0:58 (1997)
Mass for the Feast of St Thomas of Canterbury: Ite: Fons bonitatis
1:00 (1997)
St Dunstan's Kyrie: Rex Splendens
3:48 (1997)
The Office of Matins for St Thomas of Canterbury: Invitatory: Assunt Thomae Martyris (Psalm 94)
9:20 (1997)
The Office of Matins for St Thomas of Canterbury: Hymn: Martir Dei
2:35 (1997)
The Office of Matins for St Thomas of Canterbury: Responsory I: Studens Libor Thome
2:52 (1997)
The Office of Matins for St Thomas of Canterbury: Responsory III: Lapisiste
3:08 (1997)
The Office of Matins for St Thomas of Canterbury: Responsory VII: Mundi Florem
3:04 (1997)
The Office of Matins for St Thomas of Canterbury: Responsory IX: Ferro pressos
2:20 (1997)
The Office of Matins for St Thomas of Canterbury: Responsory XII: Jesu Bone
4:20 (1997)
The Office of Matins for St Thomas of Canterbury: Antiphon: Strictus Thomas (Psalm 20)
5:31 (1997)
The Office of Matins for St Thomas of Canterbury: Antiphon: Sol inclinans (Psalm 64)
5:28 (1997)