
Comprised of:

  1. G‐Schmitt Group, Began: 1983 in Tokyo , Ended: 1989 in

Releases (12)



  1. Sin, Secret & Desire 1986
  2. alternative gArNeT 20 Oct 1988
  3. gArNeT 1988

Album - Compilation

  1. Struggle to Survive 1988


  1. Holy Celebration 1984
  2. No.6 1984
  3. LSD 1985
  4. Future Daze 1988
  5. Sillage 05 Jul 1989


  1. Modern Gypsies 1985
  2. Official Bootleg 1986
  3. Icaros Descending 1988

Recordings (48)

  1. Kの葬列 [K] ?:?? (21 Jul 1984)
  2. カソリック [Catholic] ?:?? (21 Jul 1984)
  3. Holy Celebration 5:15 (1984)
  4. Love Letter 4:07 (1984)
  5. Kの葬列 6:42 (1984)
  6. No.6 4:26 (1984)
  7. Bulerias 4:07 (1984)
  8. Limit 5:36 (1985)
  9. The 1001 Nights 5:56 (1985)
  10. Farewell 5:32 (1985)
  11. Waltz 6:33 (1985)
  12. LSD ?:?? (1985)
  13. Rudy II ?:?? (1985)
  14. Rudy ?:?? (1986)
  15. City Life ?:?? (1986)
  16. Luvin' Avoid ?:?? (1986)
  17. Public Game ?:?? (1986)
  18. Belladonna 3:48 (1986)
  19. Carry On ?:?? (1986)
  20. Mescaline Dream 4:43 (1986)
  21. Lotus Garden 5:11 (1986)
  22. Someday Somewhere 5:19 (1986)
  23. Disaster 2:15 (1986)
  24. Grand Circle 6:21 (1986)
  25. Balsam (樹木礼讃) 6:02 (20 Oct 1988)
  26. Future Daze 3:25 (20 Oct 1988)
  27. Coda [II] (The Ark) 5:39 (20 Oct 1988)
  28. Isis (The Darkness) 5:59 (20 Oct 1988)
  29. Es 4:02 (20 Oct 1988)
  30. Le Paradis 3:57 (20 Oct 1988)
  31. Cathedral Junky 5:43 (20 Oct 1988)
  32. Obsession Obscure 5:09 (20 Oct 1988)
  33. Icaros Descending [II] 6:07 (20 Oct 1988)
  34. Guilty 4:09 (1988)
  35. Icaros Descending I ?:?? (1988)
  36. Icaros Descending II ?:?? (1988)
  37. Coda (Bitter Liquid in Chalice) 5:31 (1988)
  38. Lemuria 3:27 (1988)
  39. Isis (Darkness) 5:23 (1988)
  40. Catholic (new vocal) 4:32 (1988)
  41. 千夜一夜 5:57 (1988)
  42. 赤い華 (remix) 3:35 (1988)
  43. Farewell (live) 4:35 (1988)
  44. 遊戯終焉 II 6:08 (05 Jul 1989)
  45. Someday Somewhere (Film Noir Version II) 5:58 (05 Jul 1989)
  46. The End Of The Game 1:07 (05 Jul 1989)
  47. 遊戯終焉 I 6:17 (1989)
  48. Someday Somewhere (Film Noir Version I) 5:39 (1989)