許哲珮 = Peggy Hsu

Comprised of:

  1. 許哲珮 Female Person, Born: 02 Feb 1981 in
  2. Peggy Hsu Female Person, Born: 02 Feb 1981 in

Recordings (21)

  1. 一起搖擺吧 = Midnight Swing 2:25 (10 Sep 2015)
  2. 吉普賽人生 = Gypsy Life 2:56 (10 Sep 2015)
  3. 我要陪著你老去 = Grow Old with You 2:31 (10 Sep 2015)
  4. 郵輪上的神秘女子 = Mystery Lady 3:58 (10 Sep 2015)
  5. 給提姆波頓先生的一封信 = A Letter to Mr. Tim Burton 4:36 (10 Sep 2015)
  6. 這不是我的錯 = It's Not My Fault 4:03 (10 Sep 2015)
  7. 秋天的落葉跳了一支搖擺舞 = Autumn Swing 3:58 (10 Sep 2015)
  8. 彈吉他就能快樂 = While My Guitarist Gently Weeps 4:38 (10 Sep 2015)
  9. 太空瑪莉的偵探愛情電影 = Mary's Detective-Mystery Movie 3:21 (10 Sep 2015)
  10. Mr. Dove 3:31 (10 Sep 2015)
  11. 溫泉小鎮 In the Foggy Town 4:22 (24 Dec 2019)
  12. My Little Secret 4:41 (24 Dec 2019)
  13. 石板畫家之死 Death of a Slate Painter 4:03 (24 Dec 2019)
  14. 垂死天鵝 The Dying Swan 1:14 (24 Dec 2019)
  15. 失物之城 Hypnocity 4:23 (24 Dec 2019)
  16. 最後一封情書 Mon Chéri 3:14 (24 Dec 2019)
  17. 在沒有你的城市晚安 In the City Without You, "Good Night" 4:29 (24 Dec 2019)
  18. Someone Over the Rainbow 4:11 (24 Dec 2019)
  19. 巫女 Ki-Pataw 3:57 (24 Dec 2019)
  20. 戰 Ikusa 4:23 (24 Dec 2019)
  21. 離別曲 Farewell, Farewell, Farewell 3:14 (24 Dec 2019)