The Raymond Scott Quintette

Comprised of:

  1. The Raymond Scott Quintette Group, Began: in

Releases (3)



  1. Minuet in Jazz / Twilight in Turkey 1937
  2. The Toy Trumpet / Powerhouse 1937
  3. Dinner Music for a Pack of Hungry Cannibals / Reckless Night on Board an Ocean Liner 1937

Recordings (8)

  1. Powerhouse 2:56 (1937) 1937-02-20, mx. M-120
  2. Minuet in Jazz ?:?? (1937) 1937-02-20, mx. M-117
  3. Twilight in Turkey ?:?? (1937) 1937-02-20, mx. M-118
  4. The Toy Trumpet ?:?? (1937) 1937-02-20, mx. M-119
  5. Reckless Night on Board an Ocean Liner ?:?? (1937) 1937-06-23, mx. M-352-8
  6. Dinner Music for a Pack of Hungry Cannibals ?:?? (1937) 1937-05-24, mx. M-437-4
  7. The Girl With the Light Blue Hair ?:?? () 1937-04-30, M-438
  8. Dead End Blues ?:?? () 1937-04-03, M-351