Roderick Julian Modell

Comprised of:

  1. Roderick Julian Modell Male Person, Born: 22 Jul 1969 in Detroit

Releases (1)



  1. The Autonomous Music Project 03 Apr 1999

Recordings (7)

  1. Inside the Rain Maker 6:08 (03 Apr 1999)
  2. The Solar World 4:50 (03 Apr 1999)
  3. Cool Watery Depths 11:03 (03 Apr 1999)
  4. Air Flow (Between High and Low Pressure Zones) 15:33 (03 Apr 1999)
  5. Tribal Air-Spirit Tracking 9:03 (03 Apr 1999)
  6. Equator 10:31 (03 Apr 1999)
  7. Conger Beach Late Night (Under the Blue Water Bridge) 5:36 (03 Apr 1999)