FragileLuca Perciballi & Mattia Scappini

Comprised of:

  1. Fragile Group, Began: in
  2. Luca Perciballi Male Person, Born: in
  3. Mattia Scappini Person, Born: in

Releases (1)



  1. Hitting the Angles Again 10 Feb 2020

Recordings (5)

  1. Another Possible Vibration 5:32 (10 Feb 2020)
  2. Measured Perspective 7:37 (10 Feb 2020)
  3. A Geometry of Landscape 8:36 (10 Feb 2020)
  4. Introitus 6:26 (10 Feb 2020)
  5. Another Language of Sorrow 6:00 (10 Feb 2020)