Anthony Davis , Kyle Motl & Kjell Nordeson

Comprised of:

  1. Anthony Davis Male Person, Born: 20 Feb 1951 in Paterson
  2. Kyle Motl Male Person, Born: in
  3. Kjell Nordeson Male Person, Born: 1964 in

Releases (1)



  1. Vertical Motion 15 Sep 2023

Recordings (5)

  1. Vertical Motion 8:04 (15 Sep 2023)
  2. Fictions I 13:20 (15 Sep 2023)
  3. Lady of the Mirrors 6:58 (15 Sep 2023)
  4. Labyrinths 13:10 (15 Sep 2023)
  5. Fictions II 9:01 (15 Sep 2023)