越部信義 / 小久保隆

Comprised of:

  1. 越部信義 Male Person, Born: 21 Aug 1933 in Tokyo , Died: 21 Nov 2014 in
  2. 小久保隆 Male Person, Born: 03 Mar 1956 in Tokyo

Releases (1)



  1. 夢戦士ウイングマン シンセサイザー・ファンタジー Jan 1985

Recordings (6)

  1. Wingman 5:30 (Jan 1985)
  2. Triangle 6:09 (Jan 1985)
  3. School Days 5:28 (Jan 1985)
  4. Podorims 6:13 (Jan 1985)
  5. Duel 5:39 (Jan 1985)
  6. Wings (You Can Fly to the Sky High) 5:54 (Jan 1985)