A*S*Y*S + Kai Tracid

Comprised of:

  1. A*S*Y*S Group, Began: in
  2. Kai Tracid Male Person, Born: 17 Jan 1972 in Frankfurt am Main

Releases (1)



  1. Rave The Planet: Supporter Series 27 May 2022

Recordings (8)

  1. Rave the Planet 6:47 (27 May 2022)
  2. Rave the Planet (short version) 3:23 (27 May 2022)
  3. Rave the Planet (Klaudia Gawlas remix) 6:31 (01 Jul 2022)
  4. Rave the Planet (Matchy remix) 5:49 (01 Jul 2022)
  5. Rave the Planet (Tom Wax & Dr. Motte remix) 7:29 (01 Jul 2022)
  6. Rave the Planet (Patrik Berg remix) 5:34 (26 Aug 2022)
  7. Rave the Planet (Marie Vaunt remix) 6:31 (26 Aug 2022)
  8. Rave the Planet (Dylan‐S & Foozak remix) 7:01 (26 Aug 2022)