Trebunie-Tutki & Quintet Urmuli

Comprised of:

  1. Trebunie-Tutki Group, Began: in Małopolskie
  2. Quintet Urmuli Group, Began: in

Releases (1)



  1. Duch Gór / The Spirit of the Mountains 30 Sep 2016

Recordings (12)

  1. Powstancie Przodkowie / Rise Forefathers 6:05 (30 Sep 2016)
  2. Moja Dziewczyno / Hey, My Girl 3:20 (30 Sep 2016)
  3. Do Tańca / Let's Dance 2:40 (30 Sep 2016)
  4. Na zbój / Going on a plunder 4:25 (30 Sep 2016)
  5. Moja Frejerka Ciupazka / My Beloved-Shepherd's Axe 3:41 (30 Sep 2016)
  6. Pożegnanie / Farewell 4:59 (30 Sep 2016)
  7. W Lesie / In the Forest 3:11 (30 Sep 2016)
  8. Hej Giewoncie 4:28 (30 Sep 2016)
  9. Między Wschodem a Zachodem / Between East and West 5:50 (30 Sep 2016)
  10. Redyk / Trailing of the sheep 3:22 (30 Sep 2016)
  11. Ballada o śmierci Janosika / Ballad on the Death of Janosik 3:43 (30 Sep 2016)
  12. Anioł / Angel 2:58 (30 Sep 2016)