John Milton

Comprised of:

  1. John Milton Male Person, Born: 09 Dec 1608 in , Died: 08 Nov 1674 in London

Releases (1)



  1. Paradise Lost Aug 1994

Recordings (34)

  1. Line 850: 'The key of this infernal Pit by due' 6:59 (Aug 1994)
  2. Line 968: 'T' whom Satan turning boldly thus. Ye Powers' 5:04 (Aug 1994)
  3. Book III Paraphrase: God, sitting on his throne 1:54 (Aug 1994)
  4. Book IV Line 1: 'O for that warning voice, which he who saw' 7:24 (Aug 1994)
  5. Line 114: 'Thus while he spake, each passion dimm'd his face' 3:18 (Aug 1994)
  6. Line 172: 'No to th'ascent of that steep savage Hill' 3:35 (Aug 1994)
  7. Line 246: '............Thus was this place' 6:20 (Aug 1994)
  8. Line 358: 'O Hell! what do mine eyes with grief behold' 5:29 (Aug 1994)
  9. Line 440: 'To whom thus Eve repli'd. O thou for whom' 3:16 (Aug 1994)
  10. Line 492: 'So spake our general Mother, and with eyes' 3:09 (Aug 1994)
  11. Book V-VIII Paraphase: 'Meanwhile, Uriel, descending' 2:16 (Aug 1994)
  12. Book IX Line 1: 'No more talk of where God or Angel Guest' 5:33 (Aug 1994)
  13. Line 99: 'O Earth, how like to Heav'n, if not preferr'd' 6:57 (Aug 1994)
  14. Line 194: 'And Eve first to her Husband thus began.' 3:48 (Aug 1994)
  15. Line 270: 'To whom the Virgin Majesty of Eve' 5:27 (Aug 1994)
  16. Line 376: 'So spake the Patriarch of Mankind, but Eve' 7:05 (Aug 1994)
  17. Book IX Line 494: 'So spake the Enemy of Mankind, enclos'd' 4:12 (Aug 1994)
  18. Line 567: 'To whom the guileful Tempter thus repli'd' 2:37 (Aug 1994)
  19. Line 612: 'Serpent, thy overpraising leaves in doubt' 3:39 (Aug 1994)
  20. Line 679: 'O Sacred, Wise and Wisdom-giving Plant' 4:13 (Aug 1994)
  21. Line 745: 'Great are thy Virtues, doubtless, best of Fruits' 6:56 (Aug 1994)
  22. Line 856: 'Hast thou not wonder'd Adam, at my stay?' 2:35 (Aug 1994)
  23. Line 896: 'O fairest of Creation, last and best' 4:42 (Aug 1994)
  24. Line 960: 'So Adam, and thus Eve to him repli'd.' 4:43 (Aug 1994)
  25. Line 1034: 'So said he, and forbore not glance or toy' 6:18 (Aug 1994)
  26. Line 1134: 'Would thou hadst heark'n'd to my words, & stay'd' 3:15 (Aug 1994)
  27. Book X Paraphrase: 'Man's disobedience known' 0:38 (Aug 1994)
  28. Line 68: 'Father Eternal, thine is to decree' 9:07 (Aug 1994)
  29. Line 229: 'Meanwhile ere thus was sinn'd & judg'd on Earth 4:58 (Aug 1994)
  30. Line 354: 'O Parent, these are thy magnific deeds' 3:56 (Aug 1994)
  31. Line 460: 'Thrones, Dominations, Princedoms, Virtues, Powers' 7:19 (Aug 1994)
  32. Books XI and XII Paraphrase: 'Meanwhile Sin and Death rejoice' 1:52 (Aug 1994)
  33. Book XII Line 553: 'How soon hath thy prediction, Seer blest' 7:50 (Aug 1994)
  34. On the Morning of Christ's Nativity (feat. narrator: Jim Lawton) / John McCutcheon - For Unto Us a Child 4:20 (2006)