Ian Widgery

Comprised of:

  1. Ian Widgery Person, Born: in

Releases (1)


Album - Remix

  1. Pathe 100 2003

Recordings (13)

  1. Waiting 4 U 6:49 (2003)
  2. If Only ... 6:16 (2003)
  3. Stop Singing 4:46 (2003)
  4. The Pretender 4:30 (2003)
  5. All the Stars in the Sky 3:44 (2003)
  6. This Love is Not for Me 3:45 (2003)
  7. Listen Up 4:02 (2003)
  8. Autumn Evening 3:16 (2003)
  9. The Wandering Songstress 3:08 (2003)
  10. The Plough Song 3:37 (2003)
  11. Ye Shanghai 2003 18:13 (2003)
  12. Remind Me 4:34 (12 Aug 2008)
  13. Let Your Bird Free 6:37 (12 Aug 2008)