Letargy Dream

Comprised of:

  1. Letargy Dream Group, Began: 2003 in , Ended: Mar 2013 in

Releases (7)



  1. Спи спокойно... 2005
  2. 2 29 Dec 2008
  3. Гелиополис 30 Aug 2010

Album - Demo

  1. Осколки памяти 23 Dec 2006


  1. Breath of Deceased 2003
  2. Ambit of Dreams 2004
  3. Indifferent Streets Melancholy 2004

Recordings (45)

  1. Into the Lake of Ghosts ?:?? (2002)
  2. Call From Emptiness (intro) 2:39 (2003)
  3. Flying Around the Aura 3:02 (2003)
  4. The Ruines of Dying Reason 4:17 (2003)
  5. Letargy Dream 4:53 (2003)
  6. Outside of Time 6:42 (2003)
  7. Breath of Deceased 3:25 (2003)
  8. Above a Thunder and the Lightning 3:17 (2003)
  9. At Death's Door (outro) 2:26 (2003)
  10. Childrens 1:20 (2004)
  11. Ambit of Dreams 3:31 (2004)
  12. From the Outside 3:22 (2004)
  13. Mirrors and Rivers 3:45 (2004)
  14. Letargium 3:44 (2004)
  15. Time 3:20 (2004)
  16. R.I.P. 1:02 (2004)
  17. I Feel Cold... (intro) 1:52 (2004)
  18. To Fly Above a Night Road 3:29 (2004)
  19. The Labirynthes of Indifferent Streets 4:02 (2004)
  20. Letargium (original version) 3:55 (2004)
  21. The Wandering Melancholy 2:08 (2004)
  22. From the Outside (original version) 3:18 (2004)
  23. Shadow of a Shade 4:05 (2004)
  24. Autumn Dance 4:43 (2004)
  25. No More Wonders - It's All Over (outro) 2:31 (2004)
  26. Ненависть 3:42 (2005)
  27. Снег 4:31 (2005)
  28. Флегма 6:09 (2005)
  29. Спи спокойно... 7:24 (2005)
  30. Замерзая 4:41 (2005)
  31. Летаргия 5:12 (2005)
  32. Outro 2:10 (2005)
  33. Слёзы октября (intro) 2:06 (23 Dec 2006)
  34. Отдай печаль свою 13:14 (23 Dec 2006)
  35. Так предрешено 10:24 (23 Dec 2006)
  36. Предсмертный танец 15:16 (23 Dec 2006)
  37. Осколки памяти 11:04 (23 Dec 2006)
  38. Сингулярность 19:34 (29 Dec 2008)
  39. Новый день никогда не наступит... 7:26 (29 Dec 2008)
  40. Уран 23:59 (29 Dec 2008)
  41. Сатурн 13:12 (30 Aug 2010)
  42. Мы умрём, широко улыбаясь... 7:10 (30 Aug 2010)
  43. Гелиополис 16:26 (30 Aug 2010)
  44. Протуберанцы 12:44 (30 Aug 2010)
  45. Saturn 6:33 (2010)