Terry Nation

Comprised of:

  1. Terry Nation , Began: in

Recordings (22)

  1. “Mission to the Unknown”, Opening Titles 0:22 (22 Oct 2001)
  2. “Mission to the Unknown”, Scene 1, Kembel Jungle (Night) 1:30 (22 Oct 2001)
  3. “Mission to the Unknown”, Scene 2, Rocket Ship Exterior (Night) 4:17 (22 Oct 2001)
  4. “Mission to the Unknown”, Scene 3, Rocket Ship Interior 1:45 (22 Oct 2001)
  5. “Mission to the Unknown”, Scene 4, Rocket Ship Exterior 0:23 (22 Oct 2001)
  6. “Mission to the Unknown”, Scene 5, Rocket Ship Interior 1:53 (22 Oct 2001)
  7. “Mission to the Unknown”, Scene 6, Dalek Control Room 1:14 (22 Oct 2001)
  8. “Mission to the Unknown”, Scene 7, Rocket Ship Exterior 1:27 (22 Oct 2001)
  9. “Mission to the Unknown”, Scene 8, Kembel Jungle, Elsewhere 0:29 (22 Oct 2001)
  10. “Mission to the Unknown”, Scene 9, Rocket Ship Exterior 1:10 (22 Oct 2001)
  11. “Mission to the Unknown”, Scene 10, Kembel Jungle 0:19 (22 Oct 2001)
  12. “Mission to the Unknown”, Scenes 11-13, Rocket Ship Exterior 1:18 (22 Oct 2001)
  13. “Mission to the Unknown”, Scene 14, Kembel Jungle 0:37 (22 Oct 2001)
  14. “Mission to the Unknown”, Scene 15, Rocket Ship Exterior 0:25 (22 Oct 2001)
  15. “Mission to the Unknown”, Scene 16, Dalek Conference Room 1:33 (22 Oct 2001)
  16. “Mission to the Unknown”, Scene 17, Kembel Jungle 0:11 (22 Oct 2001)
  17. “Mission to the Unknown”, Scene 18, Dalek Conference Room 1:22 (22 Oct 2001)
  18. “Mission to the Unknown”, Scene 19, Kembel Jungle 1:33 (22 Oct 2001)
  19. “Mission to the Unknown”, Scene 20, Kembel Jungle, Elsewhere 0:23 (22 Oct 2001)
  20. “Mission to the Unknown”, Scene 21, Kembel Jungle 1:06 (22 Oct 2001)
  21. “Mission to the Unknown”, Scene 22, Dalek Conference Room 1:17 (22 Oct 2001)
  22. No Phone 4:08 (2004)