Scott Doran & Caspar J. V. Kedros

Comprised of:

  1. Scott Doran Person, Born: in
  2. Caspar J. V. Kedros Male Person, Born: in

Recordings (49)

  1. Adagio (full) 2:14 (Jun 2010)
  2. Last Chance (full) 2:57 (Jun 2010)
  3. Cctv (full) 2:03 (Jun 2010)
  4. Break the Silence (full) 2:51 (Jun 2010)
  5. Blue Later (full) 3:04 (Jun 2010)
  6. Snaps (full) 3:01 (Jun 2010)
  7. Something Bleak (full) 3:55 (Jun 2010)
  8. Powerplay (full) 2:52 (Jun 2010)
  9. Through Your Paces (full) 2:44 (Jun 2010)
  10. Kingston Dub (full) 2:49 (Jun 2010)
  11. The Picture (full) 2:08 (Jun 2010)
  12. Super-Sol (full) 2:25 (2010)
  13. Shape Shift (full) 3:23 (2010)
  14. Super-Sol (underscore) 2:25 (2010)
  15. Super-Sol (30 seconds) 0:30 (2010)
  16. Shape Shift (30 seconds) 0:30 (2010)
  17. Paradise Found (full) 3:38 (2010)
  18. Nexus (full) 3:25 (2010)
  19. Frozen (full) 3:13 (2010)
  20. Paradise Found (underscore) 3:38 (2010)
  21. Nexus (underscore) 3:25 (2010)
  22. Frozen (underscore) 3:13 (2010)
  23. Paradise Found (30 seconds) 0:30 (2010)
  24. Nexus (30 seconds) 0:30 (2010)
  25. Frozen (30 seconds) 0:30 (2010)
  26. The New Order (main) 3:18 ()
  27. Midnight Drive (main) 2:49 ()
  28. Colourscope (main) 2:32 ()
  29. Atomic Attraction (main) 2:49 ()
  30. Splinters (main) 2:09 ()
  31. Never Again (main) 3:11 ()
  32. Isolation (main) 2:39 ()
  33. Cosmic Dust (main) 3:22 ()
  34. The New Order (underscore) 3:11 ()
  35. Midnight Drive (underscore) 2:48 ()
  36. Colourscope (underscore) 2:29 ()
  37. Atomic Attraction (underscore) 2:49 ()
  38. Splinters (underscore) 2:03 ()
  39. Never Again (underscore) 3:12 ()
  40. Isolation (underscore) 2:38 ()
  41. Cosmic Dust (underscore) 3:22 ()
  42. The New Order (30 second) 0:30 ()
  43. Midnight Drive (30 second) 0:30 ()
  44. Colourscope (30 second) 0:30 ()
  45. Atomic Attraction (30 second) 0:30 ()
  46. Splinters (30 second) 0:30 ()
  47. Never Again (30 second) 0:30 ()
  48. Isolation (30 second) 0:30 ()
  49. Cosmic Dust (30 second) 0:30 ()